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12/11/05 10:08 PM

#6595 RE: mthead #6594

I think we will see this week if the ducks are in order.
We will know if you are for or against PBLS. I do not believe you are "disinterested". (Is that a word??)
GLTA true longs. This is the week. IMO only!!!


12/11/05 10:11 PM

#6597 RE: mthead #6594

Posted by: mthead
In reply to: sandandgravel who wrote msg# 6562 Date:12/11/2005 12:52:10 PM
Post #of 6595

OK, sandandgravel, that's probably good advice you're giving me. I'm getting no thanks for exposing PBLS as a scam, so I'll leave all you "believers" to it........I don't want to sound like a broken record and won't post here again unless I find out any more factual information that I think might be helpful to you.


12/11/05 10:22 PM

#6598 RE: mthead #6594

I found this on r/b. It has not been verified by me and I don't know the poster. I''m working on it now. (See the last line)

By: otcstk1
11 Dec 2005, 02:08 AM EST

nevada article i wante to post...
Computer Model Assists Oil and Gas Permitting
by John Snow
The Division of Minerals has been working with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to reduce the permit approval time and expense for oil and gas wells. Nationally the number one environmental concern that delays BLM oil and gas permits is archaeological studies. Each well pad and access road needs an archaeological review to ensure compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act prior to permit approval. These reviews involve inventorying cultural properties and determining if specific sites are eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The responsibility for conducting the Archeological reviews resides with the BLM, however due to workload demands the BLM gives the applicant the option of hiring a consulting archeological firm to prepare the reports for BLM's review. The option to hire a consultant often expedites permit approval times and as such has become the norm rather than the exception. These contract studies can range in cost from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. In Railroad Valley alone over 450 cultural resource inventories identifying over 1300 sites have been conducted over the past 20 years. Keeping tract of these has been difficult for BLM and resulted in past work not being used to its fullest extent in land management planning and permit approvals.

The oil and gas personnel at Division of Minerals and BLM perceived that portions of Railroad Valley did not require further study due to extensive cultural work done in the past. At the Petroleum Expo in Las Vegas which was sponsored by the Division and cosponsored by BLM, one of the speakers presented the concept of using a computer model to predict the location of archaeological sites. This Archaeological Predictive Model concept was well received by industry and government as a sensible scientifically based solution to a difficult land management conflict.

The basic concept is to use water, soil, plant, tree and wildlife habitat data in an Geographical Information System (GIS) to predict the portions of the valley that prehistoric hunter-gatherers occupied. Hunter-gatherers sought the shade of pinyon-junipers and water from the springs. With the resource data in GIS format, maps can be developed that predicted the location of sites that contained prehistoric resources like lithic material used in arrowheads, stone tools etc. With 450 cultural inventories that identify over 1300 sites on file that contain the actual location of the prehistoric sites, validation of the predictive models maps is possible. It is alarming to view a map of the valley that graphically depicts all the seismic lines, 3-D seismic blocks, access roads, well pads and power corridors that have had cultural inventories conducted on them.

With funding assistance from the Department of Energy a contract to conduct Archaeological Predictive Modeling was let to a Carson City consulting firm. A draft report has been prepared and is currently being evaluated, once the terms of the contract have been fulfilled the BLM will use the findings to streamline permitting in Railroad Valley. We are expecting large blocks of land to be excluded from further inventory and thus reducing permit time and expenses. Other blocks of land will identify sites that need to be protected and subsequently avoided. Some sites may need further inventories but the good news is exploration companies and agency personnel will have the data in a usable format up-front. Say for example the model shows that the hunter-gatherers did not occupy what is now the plyia. This block of land might be excluded from further inventory. On the other hand if the model identifies a site and the exploration activity can totally avoid the site no or limited inventory might be required.

When the predictive model approach is accepted as a land management planning tool the methodology can be used in other valleys. The next phase of the contract calls for implementation of the model in Pine Valley up in Eureka county just south of Carlin. Pine Valley is the only other valley that currently produces oil in Nevada. **


12/11/05 11:19 PM

#6600 RE: mthead #6594

Not just an investor i manange money too...And for 10 years now but thanx my friend.....GLT-U
and you can leave now since you don't own a shr and are not buying back you said it yourself so all your doing here is disrespecting the board....Your points were made now you can leave or you can stay and look silly.....


12/12/05 1:11 AM

#6614 RE: mthead #6594

'mthead'...Maybe you should re-read this PR...

About the overall scope of Operations of the Sand and Gravel Division of PBLS before you think you have "verified" ANYTHING...

Your quote: "If you think they're selling millions of bucks worth of sand and gravel, it shouldn't be too difficult to verify. I know they're not because I did verify it."

Maybe if you had made an appointment to have a "Guided Tour" of the Pit instead of showing up unannounced like a 'thief in the night', you may have been allowed to come away with 'The WHOLE Picture...

I'm sure if Adam Alanzo had been there with you to EXPLAIN IT ALL to you, and allow you to see the ENTIRE OPERATION, you would have come away from your visit with a completely different attitude...

June 21, 2005 - 7:01 AM EDT

Phoenix Signs Multi-Year Mining Contract
Phoenix Associates Land Syndicate (Phoenix) (OTC: PBLS) is very pleased to announce that Mike Ellinger, the owner of Mike's Enterprises, has signed a multi-year contract through the year 2023 with Phoenix and will be working on the mine site at the Murphy Sand and Gravel operation located in Pearl River, Louisiana. Mr. Ellinger and his company are working to enhance the extraction of soil, gravel, sand and other products at Murphy's, which is the cornerstone of the Company's Mining Division.

CEO, Paul Alonzo, having a long working relationship with Mr. Ellinger prior to this new eighteen-year contract, states that, "Mike's new contract and the addition of his mining equipment to the Murphy operation will greatly benefit the efforts and will increase the ongoing revenues of Phoenix by an estimated $4,500,000 per year and an estimated $600,000 in net profit per year." Source: Market Wire (June 21, 2005 - 7:01 AM EDT)

This quote from your post #5046

When you drive beyond the ONE scale that's there, you will find a fork in the road. Adam Alonzo was very clear when he told me to take the right fork only, because there are other companies operating on the property. After that one fork, there is only one road which I followed past the work area, all the way to where it peters out. I was making sure not to overlook anything.

Leads me to believe you "overlooked" a LOT!
Had you been able to take the OTHER fork in the road, you may have been able to see 'the REST of' the Operation, and all the OTHER Equipment that "Mike's Enterprises" owns and operates...

Do you even know that the entire property covers 820 acres?

Do you know how big of a piece of land that actually is?...
I do as my Grandpa owns 660 acres in Grandview, TX., and I'll tell you that is one BIG piece of land...

How many acres do you think you actually saw while there?
What percentage of the Entire Operation do you really think you actually "verified"?

Mike's Enterprises may have a separate entrance, scale, and a whole lot of Equipment you wouldn't have seen even if you had had a "telephoto lens", you may not have been able to see 'through the trees'...

I for one have NOT yet visited the Murphy Sand and Gravel Pit...Except through this Google Satellite Photo:,-89.691267&spn=0.049071,0.079338&t=k&hl=en

I had plans to stop through the area this weekend on my return trip home from Florida, but when I talked to Paul two weeks ago, he recommended that this week would not be a good time for an extended tour of ALL of PBLS interests in the area...

They have a lot going on this week with the ProGas Deal Closing, and other things, and he agreed to take the time for our extended visit the week before Mardis Gras, as we will be down there for two weeks during that time frame...

Two months from now, I will be able to say I have
"verifiable" information on a LOT MORE than just the Sand Pit, and I will have the photos and notes to PROVE it...

We do appreciate you going to the pit and sharing your photos with the entire board, BUT...

There are better ways of going about it to be able to see THE WHOLE PICTURE...IMVHO...

When you first showed up on our Board, I was happy that we had a member so close to HQ, that I thought we had a 'real asset' in you...Someone 'close to the action', and could help us all to understand things better...

I was hoping that you would be someone that could become well known and liked by management, and easily able to communicate with them in a professional and intelligent manner...

Have you ever talked to Management other than the day you showed up 'unannounced' on their property?...It sounds like you have numerous questions that can be answered simply by picking up the phone and giving them a call...

BUT, if you gave them your REAL name when you signed the 'liability release' the day you visited the 'Pit', and they connect the dots to your IHUB alias, I have a feeling they ARE interested in talking to you again...But this time it will be in a Court of Law...

You posted Sunday that you wouldn't be posting anymore on this board, and that might be a good idea so that you don't dig 'your Pit' any deeper than it already is...

Good Luck