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05/26/13 9:50 AM

#26928 RE: anon.10 #26926

Thanks -
Appreciate your reply -
I too believe Jonah was swallowed by a big fish -
I agree with you on what you said about Jesus Christ from
1 Corinthians -
I agree he now holds a very high position being exalted to sit at
Almighty God's right hand as acts 2 relates -
This was foretold in Isaiah 9: 6,7 and Daniel 7:13,14

Unquestionably Jesus Christ is our redeemer as Romans 6;23 says
And he said at Matthew 20:28 -
I believe firmly in what John 3:16 tells us -
I believe also what he will shortly do as revelation 19
Details -this will fulfill. psalm 37:9-11,29 and Matthew 6:10

The entire bible is a book of comfort and hope for humankind
Inspired by the most high God , Jehovah . Psalm 83:18
2 Timothy 3:16 , 17 Psalm 119:105

Thanks again

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05/26/13 2:04 PM

#26937 RE: anon.10 #26926


Amen and amen!

For without faith it is impossible to please God!
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit were all present at Creation.

We are HIS creation, not the other way around as some agnostics would promote.....

Let all the earth sing HIS praises for only HE is worthy.

Jesus indeed did come from heaven and abides there. Which brings to remembrance that he said "In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and If I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am (heaven) THERE ye may be also".!

Amen and amen. I cannot wait to see HIS FACE and to praise HIM and thank him for saving my wretched, miserable self!

Good to see you guys posting about our LORD and only Savior!

Blessings in Christ!
