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05/25/13 7:54 PM

#58377 RE: golferman #58376

If you've been following the company for three years, you should know that KBLB's products are silkworm silks with markedly improved mechanical properties intended for the high tech market.

Your conclusion that "the competition having already produced "a spider silk product" "will not do well for the future stock price appears to be based on a misconception that the "spider silk products" produced by some unnamed competition will in some way be competitive with KBLB's products.

In fact, none of KBLB's competitors are producing a "spider silk product" or other silk product, for that matter, that is remotely competitive with KBLB's product. The list of supposed competitors is long, so would you mind explaining just which company you think it is that is producing a "spider silk product" and why you think it would be competitive with KBLB's products?

To avoid wasted time, please note that KBLB's plan is to produce high tech fibers and it has announced no plans for producing products based on UNSPUN spider silk protein (or other silk protein) so only FIBER products are relevant.

Also if you are contending that a product is competitive (i.e.: in at least the same range) please quote a source for that contention. Also note that vague statements like "spider silk-like" (Oxford BIomaterials - apparently because their product contains no spider silk protein at all) are no evidence and statements about how strong NATURAL spider web is (Spiber - because their fiber is little, if any, better than SILKWORM silk) are totally irrelevant.

Pardon my skepticism but you have not even named a company, much less a product and there have been dozens of claims in the past about how this competitor or another had a product that would compete with KBLB's and not a single one of them has come even remotely close. Most companies don't give figures and for good reason: After it went bankrupt, it was discovered that Nexia's mechanically spun silk was the same strength as SILKWORM silk: a horrendously expensive artificial version of a common and inexpensive fiber.

If you claim that there is a competitive product out there,it is unreasonable to expect anyone to take that seriously without details on at least the name of the company and product.

As with Nexia's failure to give details on it's silk, the consistent experience has been that those that do not offer details on supposed competitors have nothing behind their claims but a too credulous reading of company PR statements intended to give the impression that a product is similar to spider silk without saying it. Because they can't say it. Because it isn't.