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05/25/13 4:10 PM

#15873 RE: Angelman #15872

i am not saying he would not want to
i am saying his wanting to would not necessarily
translate in his ability to

i dont doubt the market would react somewhat to an announcement

regarding stimulus spending, the people who claimed to prove indebted governments should not spend on public employment to stimulate the economy were shown to be charlatans, if you have been following the news

it doesnt stop a lot of people from saying we can't raise taxes and we must cut spending on the poor and elderly and jobs and other money that goes right into the economy, creating demand and hence jobs

it could be that congress will recognize the few expert on the side of austerity were lying, but i believe the republicans are "ideologically" committed to their beliefs about the economy and will stick to them against all evidence, so i would expect a lot of opposition to a green tax credit bill, even though republicans like cutting taxes, they like to do it for big oil and rich people, because that is free market. MOST of the green energy companies that got stimulus money were successful, but thanks to fox news, people just think of a single example of failure and a big portion of the electorate (<---) ahem go for that and will oppose green subsidies for whatever dimwitted reason fox gives them.

Turkey Red

05/25/13 4:12 PM

#15874 RE: Angelman #15872

We number one in oil and gas production in the world!! How much more filthy smoke do you and you Obama haters want in the air. Your readiness to trash our planet because it is short term economically feasible will bring down this world. Why can't the US be an example, an example, an example, a frigging example for the world to follow. Alternative energy takes extra effort wah,wah,wah,! The oil companies deserve tax break and should be allowed to drill threw any land the desire,right,right! Would you drink oil from a glass? Obama is trying to start a movement to save us! Don't respond or if you do I ain't reading it.