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05/24/13 6:53 PM

#32980 RE: Tbizzle #32978

I sent an email to management today to get more information on current information status after the PR. I got a response very quickly explaining the short delay. He said if I had further questions to call so I said what the heck and called him. Wow, this guy was a pleasure to talk with and gave me nearly 1/2 hour of his time. He thoroughly explained to me that things are moving swiftly there and a lot of new opportunities have come up which has caused some minor changes to be made to their submission to become current information. He explained to me it should all be complete by Friday next week and that they are working feverishly on making sure it happens. We discussed a lot of other topics but here are a few bullet point notes I took I thought I would share with everyone else.

A. I asked about dilution. He stated there has been no shares whatsoever issued since he and the new management have come onboard and there is no need nor will there be any shares issued in the foreseeable future. He said he has heard from other shareholders that people on public boards keep screaming dilution. He said he reviews the shareholder list every single month and there is no changes to the shares whatsoever and there will be none period end of story. He offered to send me the latest printout from the transfer agent and said he would order a brand new one from the transfer agent when we got off the phone to include with a PR next week to silence the nonsense being spewed. If you want to see the one he sent me while we were on the phone its in my GMAIL drive here:

B. He told me all the updated documentation needed will be submitted to the company lawyer early next week and it should only take a day or two after that to get posted on OTC and go current.

C. He said they have MANY deals on the table right now and a couple were just getting finishing touches. He said he could not elaborate on them any further as they are not public but I should be on the watchout for the press releases for them coming very shortly.

D. I asked him about share buybacks. He stated he does not expect to be able to announce any buyback in the next month or so but that they were in talks with a couple private investors about taking a position in the company, but he could not discuss the details as they are not public yet. He said to expect to here more about that soon.

E. I asked him about if they had thought about maybe reducing the authorized shares to further squash the dilution nonsense and suggested maybe 1 billion shares instead of 2 billion. He quickly replied how about 820m!! He said yes they had discussed this earlier this week and once again he told me to keep my eyes peeled for a news release shortly on the topic.

F. I asked about them if they were planning on expanding studio space. He laughed and stated he spends more time on that topic right now than almost anything else. He says growth for studio space and rental is quickly outpacing them. He said he has multiple different negotiations and discussions happening right now and he was very excited to tell shareholders about it the moment the deal is in ink.

We discussed some other minor topics but nothing most people don't already know or might even care about and my fingers are tired enough but I just wanted to get this out to everyone before they start getting their holiday weekend started, sounds like next week is going to be MONSTER!

From: Richard Smith
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 4:31 PM
To: Jake Harris
Subject: Re: RANF

Jake...We had anticipated being able to have it submitted by today but with the rapid changes and developments in the past two weeks we were unable to get the changes made quick enough. We are almost complete with the changes to the documentation and expect to have it submitted to our lawyer by close of business next Tuesday. He has assured us it will only take a day or two to review and submit to OTC markets to post immediately.

We have several other very "news-worthy" items we plan to release until then that shareholders are going to be excited about
so be on the lookout.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to call me anytime.

Hope this helps and thank you again for your continued support.