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05/23/13 11:49 AM

#132328 RE: webpence #132327

Is this for startup financing for Niostar? Seems they are speaking of a whole iron processing enterprise, of that we may be a part of.

Evil Rabbit

05/23/13 12:20 PM

#132330 RE: webpence #132327

Thanks, Web!

In response to es1's reply to my post yesterday (I only get 1 post per day), I never said the study wasn't finished. I stated that I didn't believe for a second it was finished AND the Chinese didn't like the results. I hope that's clear enough.

As for Web's link, I know some struggle to translate these pages, so here's the text. It's further confirmation that a great deal is happening we aren't privy to. And, again, the Chinese work on their schedule, not yours.

"Provincial SASAC organizations will treasure Ridge Mine project investment evaluation
May 20, 2013 Wang Hui Chao Wang Yumei

To improve the investment regulation, the establishment of investment project evaluation mechanism, enhance the management level decision-provincial enterprises and investment efficiency, Shandong Province SASAC to appoint a new friendship CPA working group composed of project evaluation, starting on May 16 stationed in Plover Iron Ridge official launch of project evaluation work. Group Vice President Tingyu participate in the forum and post-evaluation work on the mine specific arrangements.

Ting - yu requested to attach great importance to the mine after the evaluation work, conscientiously carry out the project summary self-assessment, a clear responsibility to implement the division of labor, and to provide detailed and accurate data to ensure that after the evaluation work carried out smoothly.

It is reported that on May 3, Shandong Energy Group held investment projects will start after the evaluation will treasure Ridge Mine is in Shandong Province SASAC energy to carry out post-project evaluation of the first ownership of enterprises, the main contents include evaluation of the whole process of project construction evaluation, project benefit evaluation, project objectives and sustainability assessment, etc., after the evaluation of field work last two weeks, is expected in early June will be formed after the evaluation report."