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05/23/13 8:08 AM

#4165 RE: BluSkies #4164

New here can some one tell me what this stock is doing


05/23/13 9:25 AM

#4175 RE: BluSkies #4164

sceptic archaic and US, skeptic ['sk?pt?k]
1. (Philosophy) a person who habitually doubts the authenticity of accepted beliefs

When it comes to the plethora of pinky mtyhs (Evil 'MM's, shorts, naked shorts. etc. etc.) and the associated venacular that accompanies it ...

Definitely, skeptical.

False\Misleading and\or sloppy diffusion of info and overexageration ...

Not sure skeptical is the right term, but if it being accepted unchallenged, then yeah, I doubt the authenticity, more so when there is a pattern of it.

When it comes to 'companies' on the OTC having a healthy skepticism is a mandate for survival, the overwhelming evidence is that these are vehicles for share selling and nothing else.

My stance on Dethrone hasn't changed. I love the stuff and can't wait until it becomes available here. But I will not join in hyping BS that is patently false nor let it go unquestioned.

The only qualm I have had with the company itself was in their choice of IR guys, beyond that their doing fine. I'm still hopeful this will be one of the rarities that defies all the crap that is peddled as viable down here.
