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06/07/13 1:07 AM

#205174 RE: fuagf #204471

Austria to withdraw Golan Heights peacekeepers over Syrian fighting

Austrians account for about 380 of the 1,000-strong UN force monitoring a ceasefire between Syria and Israel

Phoebe Greenwood in Tel Aviv and agencies, Thursday 6 June 2013 23.34 AEST

Link to video: Israel shuts down parts of Golan Heights after Syrian rebels seize border crossing

Austria .. .. has announced it will withdraw its peacekeepers from the UN monitoring force on the Golan Heights after Syrian government forces and rebels battled to control a strategic crossing into the Israeli-occupied territory.

Austrians account for about 380 of the 1,000-strong UN force monitoring a ceasefire between Syria .. .. and Israel .. , and their departure will deal a serious blow to the mission .. .

"Freedom of movement in the area de facto no longer exists. The uncontrolled and immediate danger to Austrian soldiers has risen to an unacceptable level," the Austrian chancellor, Werner Faymann, and his deputy, Michael Spindelegger, said in a joint statement.

The announcement came hours after Syrian rebels seized the Syrian-controlled section of the Quneitra crossing early on Thursday.

Smoke billows during clashes between Syrian rebels and regime forces
near the Quneitra crossing. Photograph: Jalaa Marey/AFP/Getty Images

The Israeli border area was declared a closed military zone and a large section of Road 98, a highway running along the armistice line, was shut. Farmers were evacuated from their orchards and the residents of nearby villages ordered to remain inside their homes.

A Filipino peacekeeper was also wounded during the fighting, a Philippine military spokesman said.

The soldier suffered a leg injury from an artillery or mortar shell that landed at Camp Ziouni, a logistics base for the UN Disengagement Observer Force, said Lieutenant Colonel Ramon Zagala.

"This morning's developments show that a further delay [in pulling out soldiers] is no longer justifiable," the Austrian statement said.

As the only passage between Syria and the Golan Heights, Quneitra crossing has significant symbolic importance to the Syrian regime. The town itself also marks a strategic gateway connecting Damascus to the Syrian south.

Regime forces were reported to have reclaimed the position within hours of the rebel victory, but fighting continued, resulting in three mortars landing in Israeli territory. Israeli officials described the development as "very worrying".

"There are three major issues of concern in Syria: strategic weapons, chemical weapons and the Golan Heights," one senior official explained.

"The [Assad] regime has assured us [of] quiet on the Golan border for 40 years. Now it seems we have someone in control of that border who has their back to us now but may turn around and face us at any point."

The affiliation of the rebel fighters could not be confirmed. While media reports claimed they were Free Syrian Army men, intelligence experts stressed that radical jihadist groups had established themselves in villages surrounding Quneitra in the northern Golan. Among them are the al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front and the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, responsible for the recent kidnap of Filipino peacekeepers in the area.

"Some of these fighters are from local villages but others are foreign jihadists, many of them Iraqis," said David Nisan, a risk consultant who monitors the region for the Israeli firm Max Security Solutions. "We've seen a lot of YouTube videos from a group calling themselves the Quneitra Liberation Front waving the black flag of al-Qaida."

This group announced its presence in the area with a car bombing campaign targeting Syrian intelligence units in the Golan, which it claimed killed up to 40 people. Further raising tension along Israel's northern border are reports that the Assad regime has allowed Iranian forces to establish a listening post and encouraged a growing Hezbollah presence in the northern Golan.

"This is the most tense the situation has been since 1973. Even a very tiny provocation could result in regional deterioration," Nisan said.

"If Israel does respond to any incursion on this border or targets any further arms shipments, Assad may have to make good on his promise to retaliate [to Israeli aggression]. The Golan would be a very convenient place for him to react."



View of Quneitra

Quneitra in Syria

red dot bottom left, on that 'inside' little line ..

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06/14/13 8:34 PM

#205473 RE: fuagf #204471

Obama should Resist the Clintons & Europe on Syria

Posted on 06/14/2013 by Juan Cole

Former president Bill Clinton criticized President Obama on Thursday for his inaction .. .. in regard to Syria. This step seems extraordinary and surely has something to do with positioning Hillary Clinton to run as a more hawkish New Democrat against anyone in the Obama circle in 2016. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton appears to have pushed for arming the Syrian rebels, but could not get Obama’s backing for the move. Bill Clinton’s criticism is extremely unfair, since there are many bad situations in the world in which the US cannot fruitfully intervene, and Clinton knows this sad truth all too well.

In 1992-2002 Algeria’s secular generals, tied to France and fueled by petroleum, fought a bloody dirty war against the Islamic Salvation Front and other devotees of political Islam. The world watched in horror as an estimated 150,000 people died. And yet, Clinton never directly intervened. Behind the scenes France backed the generals, and the latter won. The terrorism produced by the bloody repression in Algeria spilled over onto France and even targeted the United States, when a member of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group attempted in 2000 to drive a car bomb from Canada to LAX (he was stopped at the border and arrested). Nobody remembers Clinton’s paralysis in Algeria, contrary to what he is now predicting about Obama and Syria. This is because if you avoid a quagmire as president, no one holds that against you.

Obama has also been getting substantial pressure from the French and British to do something, and French intelligence has been the most vigorous in pressing the case that the Baath regime in Syria crossed the red line of chemical weapons use. France and Britain have longstanding imperial interests in the Levant, and both fear that the Syrian civil war could produce terrorism that spills over onto Western Europe. Unstated is that it may also produce a refugee crisis in which tens or hundreds of thousands of new immigrants wash up on European soil. Immigrants and terrorism are two key issues in French and British politics, and may be spurring them to action.

Likewise, the Baath and Hizbullah counter-attacks against the opposition in the past two months have yielded battlefield victories and the reassertion of Damascus over parts of the country that had been lost. Russian support appears to have increased in kind and quality, and Iran is playing the Shiite card. If someone doesn’t intervene soon on the rebel side, Washington hawks realize, the war might soon be over and the pro-Iranian regime will survive (just as Algeria’s did).

Obama seems to be attempting to find a face-saving way of getting a little involved but not too much, by sending light weaponry .. .. (which of course is not what the rebels need).

Clinton compared what the US could do in Syria to Ronald Reagan’s effort against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. But that covert operation of giving billions of dollars and high-tech weaponry to Afghan jihadis was a huge catastrophe, contributing to the creation and rise of al-Qaeda and setting the background for the emergence of the Taliban. It surely would have been far preferable to let the Soviets try to build a socialist state in Afghanistan, as they tried in Uzbekistan. The whole thing would have fallen apart in 1991 anyway. (There is no truth to the notion that the Afghanistan war bled the Soviet Union or contributed to its collapse. Soviet military spending was flat in the 1980s). The Reagan jihad destabilized both Afghanistan and Pakistan and left us with a long term terrorism problem. We let the Soviets alone in Kazakhstan, and we never worry about today’s Kazakhstan.

You never, ever want to encourage the rise of private militias and flood a country with high- powered weaponry.

Clinton also has in mind his bombing of Serbian forces in the Balkans to protect the Bosnians. But the situation in Syria is not like that in the Balkans, in these ways:

– Syria has stockpiles of chemical weapons, the exact position of which is unknown; indiscriminate bombing raids on Syrian military facilities could release those chemicals on civilian populations

– Unlike in Bosnia, this is not a war by an outside force like the Serbs of ethnic cleansing against a neighbor, but rather it is a civil war. The Alawis, Christians and secular-minded Sunnis in Syria are afraid of the rebel forces and either support or are neutral toward the Syrian government; together they may well come to half the country. That isn’t exactly a mandate for outside intervention.

– Syria’s tanks and artillery are inside cities such as Homs and Damascus, and couldn’t be destroyed from the air without risking hitting civilian apartment buildings. If you want to see a war go bad real quickly, just kill dozens of innocent civilians in their own home from the air.

– The backing for the regime of Russia and Iran makes this more like Vietnam, where the Russians and Chinese supported the Viet Cong, than like the Balkans in the early 1990s when the Russians were weak and supine.

– Flooding Syria with medium or heavy weaponry could destabilize it and its neighbors, including Israel & Palestine, for decades, as the CIA did to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Often in the past, US intelligence actually urged locals involved in covert wars to grow and peddle drugs to get money for weapons, creating long-term problems of narco-terrorism, which still plague Afghanistan and Pakistan.

– The prominence of the Nusra Front and other hard liners affiliated to al-Qaeda in the opposition ranks means the US could end up arming terrorists and helping them take over a whole country.

Given the logistical and tactical difficulties of intervening from the air, and given the lack of a UNSC resolution authorizing the use of force, Obama should be training Syrian oppositionists in Gandhian tactics and encouraging them to create a long-term civil resistance instead of going the militarization route. Some struggles have to be fought over a couple of decades, and those typically only succeed if non-violent.

In general Bill Clinton had few foreign policy successes. He had many more victories on the domestic front, fixing budget woes, getting more justice for workers, and fostering heightened productivity. One of his great failures was yielding to the pressure of the hawks around the Project for a New American Century and bombing Iraq in 1998, in preparation for which he forced the UN weapons inspectors to withdraw. Had they remained on the ground, they could have continued to certify that Iraq had destroyed its weapons of mass destruction. It was later falsely alleged ad infinitum by Bush and his stenographer press corps that Saddam Hussein kicked out the inspectors. The PNAC warmongers maneuvered Clinton into helping them blind US and world intelligence with regard to Iraq, thus allowing them to make the most outlandish and mendacious allegations without fear of contradiction, and to drag us into a quagmire. Bill Clinton was a patsy for the hawks, and now he is setting up Obama to be another one.