Have you noticed the price of this gum?? I think it's too high...as is all of the CBD goods. The Dixie Salve ($33) not too bad, yet still expensive and the product I just about bought. Strait up Hemp Oil at Whole Foods is around $15. NOTE: I haven't done much shopping for CBD products, nor Hemp Oil until I bought MJNA stock...so this is not a very educated opinion. I am not a wealthy man, I could buy this gum if I wanted it though. It isn't an item I would feel compelled to purchase at $2.81 (cheapest cost per stick). Definately THC product at that price, with a perscription, would be fair. I would probably go up to 5.00 per stick (otherwise if I used THC) I would vape (I think that would be less expensive). I hope this company gets it together on income, grows and fills it gum orders.