The IGP Project has a delineated Indicated Resource of 247 million metric tons contained in four ore bodies. Tonnage and grade indicate that there are 1,764,112 ounces of recoverable gold contained in the areas of the IGP that have been tested and sampled thus far. Using a cut-off market value of $1,500.00 per oz, the Indicated in-situ Gold Resource is currently valued at USD$2,646,168,000.
The Company recently reported that magnetite in the four deposits of the IGP contains 62% iron ore. Based on recent (January, 2013) spot market prices for iron ore and calculating grade, tonnage, mine life, production costs and recovery rate, the iron ore contained in the known deposits has a present market value of USD$2,912,090,850. Including the newly released gold numbers, the resulting aggregate mineral value confirmed to date is USD$5,558,258,850. $TRLR - these numbers make it worthwhile