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Replies to #71 on Clown Free Zone


04/28/01 10:42 AM

#73 RE: Poet #71

Hello realpoetchick,
Due to the sheer numbers of long term members who are the true
measure of a successful COMMERCIAL site, transients, such as
yourself are little more than a blip on the screen that are
soon forgotten. So.......?????

We have not requested, nor do we have any use for your "comments or suggestions". We are doing quite well without
them, thank you.

Who are you to quantify "taste" ??? This thread is a cesspool
compared to veiled COMMERCIAL threads that function in the
spirit that the moderators of this website have stated a strong
preference for. There is a huge difference between posting
here, since nothing is off topic, because there is no topic,
and posting distracting nonsense on an informative thread that
is actually about stock trading.

Do not confuse anger with legitimate and justified righteous
indignation. When one works very long and very hard, one does
not hesitate to reply in kind to even the most feeble
disparaging remark. You are certainly not in our league, and
unfortunately for you, never will be, but; we wish you a good
life anyway, realpoetchick. So much for wasting precious time; back to work !


05/02/01 1:50 AM

#82 RE: Poet #71

poet, I can and will post what I want, when I want, and to whom I want as long as it doesn't go against the terms of use so go about your business. If you want to criticize on my thread its fine, as long as the criticism is of content and not a personal attack.

Why do you suppose that you and others try to hide within the invisible veil of cyberspace but when the veil is torn, and lo they are revealed in their 'nakedness' they scamper into their respective holes! Well I'll get back to research now as some of us have day jobs and have to be up in the morning.