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05/19/13 9:26 AM

#204352 RE: arizona1 #204300

Bonehead consoles Buzzed


05/19/13 7:37 PM

#204377 RE: arizona1 #204300

Welcome to the Darrell Issa Hall of Shame

Sun May 19, 2013 at 03:15 PM PDT
by Jon Perr for Daily Kos

With Washington engulfed in scandals real and imagined over the Benghazi tragedy, the IRS' handling of applications by political groups for tax exempt status and the Justice Department's seizure of AP phone records, California Congressman Darrell Issa is enjoying his moment in the sun.

For Republicans "energized" by the prospect of bludgeoning President Obama over his supposed misdeeds, Issa is the perfect hatchet man. After all, given his own past troubles including "the gun conviction, the three allegations of car theft, the arson allegation, the allegation that he dismissed an employee while brandishing a gun, and the mysteries about his finances," Darrell Issa is well acquainted with wrong-doing.

Before becoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in January 2011, Issa served as the Bush administration's attack dog in Congress. (That explains why in June 2010 he was already planning to double his committee staff and planning to issue subpoenas to "get the very information that today the White House is either shredding or not producing.") And perhaps most helpful in his current role, Darrell Issa appears to be lacking the embarrassment gene altogether.

You don't have to read his long rap sheet to reach that conclusion. A brief tour of the Darrell Issa Hall of Shame will suffice:

Issa Calls 9/11 Attacks in New York a Plane Crash

Issa Weeps Over Premature Withdrawal from Gubernatorial Race

Issa Asks Big Business to "Tell Me What to Change"

Issa Labels Obama "Most Corrupt" President

Issa Uses Tim Russert's Death to Push for Oil Drilling

Issa Says U.S. Treat Hospital Patients Worse Than Al Qaeda

Issa Attacks Families of Killed Blackwater Contractors

Issa Declares Blackwater Hearings an Attack on David Petraeus

Issa Charges David Petraeus with Carrying Water for Barack Obama

Issa Targets Government "In-Sourcing"

Issa Accuses Valerie Plame of Perjury

Issa Drives the Firing of U.S. Attorney Carol Lam

Issa Blames Software for Bush White House Email Destruction

Issa Defends Disgraced Bush GSA Chief Lurita Doan

Issa Offers Howard Krongard a Ticket to the White House Christmas Party

Issa Forces Jerry Nadler to Withdraw Truthful Statement about Bush's Illegal Domestic Surveillance

Issa Demands Names of Those Making Freedom of Information Act Requests

Issa Insists Everything is Like Watergate

Issa Wages 15-Year Vendetta Against Reporter Eric Lichtblau

Issa Blames His Brother for Past Brushes with the Law

Details for each below.

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