The 504 guys did nothing to this stock but give eric money for a normal discount. What eric did with the funders monies is what landed WNBD at .0001 with no remaining treasury shares to dump once eric had bled out all 5 BILLION 1st round shares.
The 504 funders were always painted as the good guys when eric had the world by the tail and was congratulating s/h's for buying at 2 cents when WNBD had the potential to land big box USA was only after eric's unaudited fins began to emerge and it was revealed that none of the glorified blog carrots ever added up to the numbers/realities in the fins that a select few began to blame WNBD's funders.
None of the funders forced eric to give them shares...eric and eric alone made the decision to bleed out the entire 5 billion 1st round shares...and eric and eric alone will make the decision on how much discount stock to bleed out into the 2nd round when the D falls off depending on how much money he asks funders for in exchange for discount stock.