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05/17/13 5:12 AM

#32259 RE: NYBob #32256

Bob -
Simply put Romans 6:23 says the wages sin pays is death not
Torture eternally -
Adam was told from dust you were created and to dust you
Shall return in genesis 3:19 -
Fire in the Bible is used symbolically and is the
Perfect symbol for complete destruction - it reduces things to
Dust and ashes and gases -

Imagine someone burning in a fire yelling and screaming in pain
Not for an hour or day or year but billions of years with no end -
That's demonic - look at how man views torture - is man more
Just and loving and righteous than the one who created him and
All the wonderous things in the universe -

What did he tell Adam - in the day you decide you no longer wish
To love by goodness and righteousness - you will die - not be burned
Forever in a so called hellfire -

By deciding he was wise enough to be on his own and make all the right
Decisions on his own - he cut off the source of life for himself - namely his
Creator - he was on his own and not having the potential to live forever he
Originally had - he died and went back to dust -psalm 146:3,4-and 104:29

Can mankind direct his own steps without the direction of one who
Personifies wisdom and goodness and righteousness -
Look at history from Adam's rebellion onward and you get your
Answer - Jeremiah 10:23 says it all -

The Bible says God is love - the personification of love-
There is no way torture or torment in a fire is an act of love -
It is fiendish -- demonic - man kills wild dogs -not burns them
In a fire - death is the ultimate penalty - everlasting death for
The Incorrigibly wicked like the one called Satan and Devil in
The Bible -

When the issues raised in Eden by the 3 rebels against Almighty God's
Universal Sovereignty are finally settled, as foretold in the scriptures --
Then humankind will enjoy what the Creator had purposed for creating
Them and the earth in the first place - genesis 1:25-28-

Everlasting life with perfect body's of youth and a brain that never
Gets full of learning new things on a paradise earth -
Psalm 115:16 -- Isaiah 45:18 -- Matthew 6::9,10 -- psalm 37:9-11,29
Matthew 5:5 --Isaiah 11:6-9--
Let the entire Bible speak for itself ---