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05/16/13 2:53 AM

#59416 RE: tiffer #59415

Hey Tiff do you know what FOGLOL means?
Fall on the floor laughing out loud.
Pretty much sums it up.
Seems the question I had for the board is falling to the wayside. But that is ok. So if indeed they issue new stock for the bio side of this company would'nt that put shorts in a difficult spot>? just wondering.
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05/16/13 5:44 AM

#59420 RE: tiffer #59415

That's actually pretty funny... And totally out of bounds. Why should you be compelled NOT to ask a question about the posting of revenue or assets from a PUBLIC COMPANY?! Quite the operation going on there. JMO
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05/16/13 8:25 AM

#59428 RE: tiffer #59415

Why would a CEO do that?

tiffer, I've read your posts for many monts and they seem to be nearly 100% supportive of the company. Questioning the performance of the company and the stewardship of it's assets is what every shareholder should do before investing and constantly while that investment is held. That the CEO would demand you cease and desist your due dilligence is a giant red flag.

Yesterday, I recall several discussions regarding the $200,000 ring MMRF received as a settlement for a lawsuit. Today, I can't find much of that discussion. It would appear you were not alone in gaining the attention of the CEO.

If the company has multi billion dollar deals pending worldwide and the CEO is a a frequent subject of national media attention, why is he so concerned about what is being said on iHub?

I looked over the 10Q's and I don't see any accounting for the sale of the ring. I disagree that the sale of a $45,000 asset is not material as that is as much as the company has in quarterly sales, not to mention the fact that it is a fraction of what it's claimed value was. It's disposition is material.

40 million shares sold by the company in the past month is significant as well.

tiffer Member Profile tiffer Member Level

Thursday, May 16, 2013 1:41:45 AM
Re: None
Post # of 59428
Every investor should read this. I was the recipient of a cease and desist request from a Bob Lorsch attorney today! This is for asking the question on where did the revenues for the sale of MMRF property go to! I even had the audacity to ask the CFO about where the money went! Was told it was in the misc. income of 2nd quarter of 2012 by an I-Hub member. Guess its there but sure was not mentioned/itiemized after all the hoopla about that stupid ring. Ridiculous in the extreme..JMO of course..Tiffer (Mole) Investors should read the sticky above about us moles

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05/16/13 9:28 AM

#59439 RE: tiffer #59415

Bravo, Tiffer, for appropriately confronting MMRGlobal with questions wanting entitled information.

MMRGlobal's adversarial response clearly demonstrates why shareholders and interested persons should never divulge personal information through traceable emails or phone numbers.
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05/16/13 10:48 AM

#59453 RE: tiffer #59415

Lol! The justification for that cease and desist seems very suspect. I wouldnt let that letter intimidate you--theyre just trying to bully you. In fact, that attorey, himself, might be in violation of his professsional responsibility by sending you such an unwarranted letter. Hold onto that letter. Maybe consult another atty and/or report that atty to the state bar :)

As if our current executive branch werent already fascist enough-- now we have to deal with gestapo tactics from "public" companies. Puh-leeeease...
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05/17/13 1:06 PM

#59543 RE: tiffer #59415

Tiffer, What said the ring settlement went to MMRF corporation? Go back and read the PRs word for word.

My law school contracts professor emphasized over and over: Read Every Word. "READ THE WORDS!" he'd bellow.
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05/17/13 3:27 PM

#59588 RE: tiffer #59415

This is not an isolated incident. I feel for Tiffer as it is very disturbing to receive threats for simply using one's 1st amendment rights or for asking for information from a publicly traded company.

I know how he feels. I have been receiving threats and intimidating emails from lorsch and his attorney for some time. I have been critical of the p/rs, the compensation packages, the bonuses, the finder's fees, the dilution, and most important the terrible financial results that everyone can see each quarter and until results are produced to change things (ie revenue growth, p/r hype turning into reality, etc.) I will continue to express my views about this company.

Recently this attempted intimidation has escalated to include threats of contacting my employer, dispersions on my family and notification that shareholders are considering a class action suit against me because of what I write on a message board. Since I initially received this class action threat about 2 months ago claiming I make false assertions about mmr, I have included a request with my posts asking anyone who believes anything in my posts is false, libelous or tortious to point it out. As a point of fact, I have not received one response from lorsch, his attorneys, mmr employees, mmr shareholders or message board posters to even point out any of my posts that allegedly meet any of those criteria.

As the most recent 10-Q shows, the company has, at least so far, been unable to deliver positive results that would eliminate all the justification for negative comments. Sadly, in the absence of those positive results, attempts to intimidate critics into silence is the chosen path. For the record, I do not lie about things, I do not make them up. I love my country and the freedom upon which it is based and I will not be threatened or intimidated into giving up the right to express my opinion. Such attempts by anyone are troublesome, but coming from the ceo of a publicly traded company are in my opinion particularly despicable.

If anyone believes this post contains anything false, tortious or libelous, please point it out. I will promptly retract it and appologize or else explain why I believe you are wrong.