eik, The strongest message I want these guys to get is that the shareholders were close to stopping this merger and those that voted FOR the merger , are now squarely with those that voted AGAINST. Drumlummon is costing us millions .Forecasted,(if not closed 2nd quarter ) to lose 12 M this year. This is inexcusable ,imo. The only avenue we have (that does not cost us money for attorneys) is to VOTE against those who brought us this wonderful new mine.
Blasutti simply cannot be held responsible .He was acting in his shareholders best interest when he made the merger deal. We were not his shareholders.
Other than that ,I see what your saying,it could give our CEO a false sense of accomplishment. Blasutti might not be responsible to USSIF shareholders for the merger but has not done anything ,imo ,to attract a better share price. Being the CEO ,he might only have 1 vote on the board but it is after all the BOD's that sets salary and compensation and that has been very shareholder unfriendly,to say the least. It was irresponsible and not a good way to promote which is suppose to be his expertise. I'm not overly impressed but I'm hoping the vote might actually remove or at very least show why certain directors have such bad numbers .
It's mainly about the merger and that fact should be driven into the heart of the BOD's,imo.