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12/08/05 11:42 AM

#67632 RE: I_banker #67631

Re: Unless Intel can beat xBox, Playstation, the cable companies and TiVo, they will not succeed with this venture.

That's not exactly true. It's going to take a while before Xbox360 and PS3 usage models to evolve to the point where they are more than just a gaming box. Likewise, TiVo and cable DVR boxes succeed based on their user interface and ease of use, which shouldn't be hard to beat with similar software run on a virtualized PC partition. The thing that will limit Viiv's success in the beginning is form factors, IMO. Consumers don't have room for a big PC box in their living room, but I think as Viiv evolves, it will gain capabilities that more consumers are interested in, while complementing the form factors already in use. HDTV's have the resolution for crisp Internet browsing, as well as the size and quality to view the next generation of media. People want easy ways to plug in their cameras and video recorders and see personal content; they want easy ways to download content and view it on a large screen; etc. I think Viiv will enable a whole new set of usage patterns that the gaming consoles and DVR boxes won't offer. Of course, we'll see what develops. Viiv may not be all that impressive in the first iteration, but keeping in mind that each year will come with a new generation, I think it will become a high growth vehicle for Intel long term.


12/08/05 12:05 PM

#67636 RE: I_banker #67631

Jeez, don't you listen? ;) Endless marketing dollars are going to drive the unaware into a buying frenzy. People are going to jump at the chance to add much complexity to their TV watching and music listening routines. Intel is going to sell billions of these so we better "watch out".............

Let's not forget what Intels marketing dollars have done for Itanium. A decade late and about $150 billion dollars short......

Another thing to consider is the actual people responsible for closing sales - near minimum wage employees at big box electronics stores. Are they going to convince Joe Average that the family computer should be in the living room?


12/08/05 1:23 PM

#67641 RE: I_banker #67631

That is your opinion, my opinion is older people will buy it. Maybe kids too, I do remember the doom and gloom prediction by amdsters about xbox because it had a celeron :) I'm optmistic, but Intel has had it's failures and it's successes, only time will tell. I wouldn't count the concept out.