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was Graywolf

04/27/01 11:50 PM

#2043 RE: Meme #2038

Re: Man this board is on the rag.

I agree. What hapened? I go away and concentrate elsewhere for a while, and this, the board that has historicly been a place where opposing views can be sensibly and respectably discussed, suddenly looks like it's been taken over by Kronq and Righton. I don't mind heated debates - in fact I enjoy them. It shows people have some fire in the soul. But when things get reduced to petty name calling, that just shows that people have nothing of value left to contribute. For those who have fallen into this, I say - Chill. Take a break from the boards. Regain your perspective so we can discuss subjects with respect once again. Even if we don't change each other's minds, we teach each other about our own perspectives with each post. We may stilll dsiagree, but we have a better understanding of one another, and from that should come - sometimes grudginly - respect.

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04/29/01 1:55 AM

#2061 RE: Meme #2038

Re: Meme - Man, this board is on the rag!

I'm also not quite sure what happened to this board. Obviously I am a part of the problem, but I don't see what I did differently than what I do everyday on the PIMB. I guess it is just that there are so few people here and so few outlets for other topics. The constant introduction of new posters on the PIMB always keeps things fresh.

I hope you didn't take anything I said personally as far as the Brady Bill conversation. I understand your differentiation between correlation proving and not always proving causation. I agree with that sentiment. I just wanted to present some alternative viewpoints.

I don't know what it is that interests me about politics. I guess its the logic behind different theories and philosophies. In college, my major is business management with a concentration in information technology. Unfornately, I have yet to learn anything of much use in the real world. I am still trying to finish all of the prerequisites and introductory courses. Next semester I should be taking more of the advanced courses for my major. The reason why I bring this up is because I always take at least one course relating to politics each semester just for fun. I use this board and the PIMB as outlets to bounce ideas off of other people and see how I feel about different things. I don't get to do much of that during class, so this fills that gap.

Relating to the book you brought up, I think one of the reasons why I want to enter the tech field is because I want to be aware of the new technologies popping up everyday. It's amazing how far things have gotten within the last few years, and even with this current downturn, it will continue to grow.

I've had interesting discussions with friends about Moore's Law. One of the problems that I see is that the speeds will reach a point where the materials used to connect the different parts will become the limiting factor. Another problem is the difficulty in programming artificial intelligence. I read a news story a few weeks ago about some researchers developing a new method of programming AI, by building a computer that works like the human brain. With the recent advances in biotech and the mapping of the genome, this is becoming more and more of a reality.

All of this raises important moral questions, of which you touched on a few. I think this is interelated with cloning as well as genetic modification. How far should we try to evolve ourselves? Do we want to give every baby born the best possible genetic code? In order to answer these questions and others, we need to define life as well as our purpose here. Is it to maximize human happiness and minimize human suffering? Is it knowledge?

And while all of this can have wonderful positive ramifications, it can also have a dark side, if used for the wrong reasons or if it achieves unforseen negative results.

And finally, what the hell is a God spot? Do you happen to be refering to this type of God spot?

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04/30/01 10:32 AM

#2075 RE: Meme #2038

Re: Meme on the rag.

Man, this board is on the rag! This has got to be the most extended period of PMS I've ever seen. LOL

Somehow I feel a bit like I was responsible for starting the vitriol in a little way.

I'd say that mikkj, & especially indy, are a hell of a lot more guilty of posting vitriol than you are, but your hypocrisy with regard to "tactfulness" and "a thoughtful exchange of ideas" certainly didn't help things. And the rather petty and biased choices you continue to make in terms of what perceived faults you think are worth taking the time to criticize don't exactly reflect a great sense of fairness, do they?

I finally got fed up with L.C.'s condescending, long-winded posts.

You would be hard pressed to demonstrate that your posts are any less so than mine. Hell, just about all of you have, at one time or another, prompted my responses by being so damn condescending yourselves. As far as being "long-winded", I've just been responding to the quantity of BS that's been posted. (By the way, did you take a look at the length of your own post before you submitted it? Not likely to be mistaken for a telegram, is it?)

The mere fact that he can't even recognize his monotonous, holier than thou, droning means he is hopeless.

Let's see, you say I'm condescending, long-winded, monotonous, and holier than thou, and that I drone. Given some of the traits you guys have demonstrated in your own posts, I'd say these particular insults are rather benign. In fact, they are pretty much the sort of words one could expect to see used by somebody about those they disagree with, when they can't quite take them on with regard to the merits, point by point. It's too bad you can't seem to manage actually pointing to a few statements in my posts and saying "you got this wrong, LC, and here's why". (Of course, given your collective track record for logic and accuracy, I'd probably have some challenges of my own in response, and then you'd most likely run for cover or change the subject.)

L.C. You have absolutely NO SENSE OF HUMOR WHATSOEVER!

Have you taken a close look at my username?

In the real world I don't even bother with humorless people.

Given some of the hostility that passes for humor around here, I'm hardly the one who is challenged in that area. Sorry, but despite your attempts to cover yourself with such claims, the problem isn't a lack of a sense of humor on my part, it is a lack of integrity and consistency on yours. You and others use what you THINK is a sense of humor as an excuse to belittle those of us whose views you disagree with, and then, as a shield to hide behind with expressions like "lighten up" when we fire back.

I don't really care what your beliefs are. You could be a liberal and I'd still find you tiresome.

Yeah, well, excuse my skepticism about that since, if we were on the same wavelength politically, and if I were using exactly the same style to make mincemeat out of the logic of those you disagree with, and asking questions of them that had them complaining about too many questions rather than answering them, and prompting insults like the kind Indy has resorted to in order to cover themselves, I have absolutely no doubt that you would be the first one to cheer me on, regardless of the length of my posts, the number of questions in them, or how condescending or "holier than thou" I was being. All you really seem to be responding to is that you don't like the fact that some libertarians won't back down when criticized.

Besides, if I'm so "tiresome", then why do all of you keep posting so much stuff for me to respond to? And how "tiresome" do you think all the insults were that were hurled at libertarians before I started responding? You know, the fact that you even take the time to express such insults about me at all, when there is SO much more fodder for real criticism in the posts of those you do agree with, is a further testament to your own hypocrisy. In fact, have you taken a look at Indy's posts #2006, 2046, & 2054? Just some fine examples of that good old sense of humor at work, right? What a swell guy!

And, no doubt, this post will send you off into another diatribe.

Still no criticism from you, of course, for all the unfounded, venomous "diatribes" about libertarians that have been posted. Why, you just keep demonstrating how blinded you are by your own bias, don't you? It would at least reflect a hint of honesty if one of you would sincerely and convincingly come right out and say "yes, you should just accept having your motives attacked, and being repeatedly demonized, and keep quiet about it". All of your own "diatribes" seem to reflect that opinion, you just lack the forthrightness to clearly express it.

It's rather funny that you refer to us as "hit and run." I type approximately 75 words a minute. I know how long it takes to compose a single long message.

My use of the expression "hit and run" refers not to length, but to the tendency of anti-libertarian posters to engage in some fairly vicious criticism, and then dodge legitimate and relevant questions about the foundation of those criticisms, i.e. to be able to dish it out a lot better than you can take it. It is, after all, the "take it" part that you guys seem to find so "tiresome".

There are times when you post that it appears you spend your ENTIRE day responding to other posters.

Since that is never the case, thanks for the compliment. Don't worry, I know you probably meant it as an insult, since you guys seem to look for them wherever you can find them.

Besides, if my posts are too long for you, or if you think I ask too many questions, I'll be happy to stop responding as soon as you guys stop posting stuff that deserves to be questioned or challenged. And as soon as you start again, chances are I will too.

I am not afforded that luxury anymore, and if I were I don't think I'd waste so many of my days responding to what you essentially said were unworthy debators.

You're being far too kind. It's much more specific than that. It has to do with them being dishonest, inconsistent, uncivil, unfair, running for cover in the face of challenges and questions about their own rather bitter accusations about libertarians, and probably a few other things I can't recall at the moment. Challenging such things is never a "waste".

Besides, I didn't start out with such low expectations about any of you, especially mikkj, for whom I've actually had some respect in the past, but by now those poor expectations are quite well founded with regard to all of you. Even Indy seems to have taken his poison to new depths. The unwarranted hostility, and the lack of integrity and fairness in your collective approach to these recent disagreements, is astounding. And it would be a refreshing change if just one of you would actually attempt to exceed those expectations, rather than being content to live "down" to them.

So "hit and run" it'll be.

What a surprise.

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04/30/01 10:35 AM

#2076 RE: Meme #2038

Re: Meme on the rag.

Spall, watch it kiddo. You're losing your sense of humor.

Spall, watch it kiddo. These guys have some pretty bizarre ideas about humor.

How many times are we going to dance this dance? I think you and I have covered alot of ground. We both know where we stand. Perhaps this conversation, at least, between you and me has run its course. I can't prove anything to you, and you can't prove anything to me. Nothing wrong with that, but we can get caught in the same endless loop that Righton is caught in, and doesn't that feel just a little weird? <G>

You completely missed my humor in my last posts on P.I. I simply posted a bunch of statistics. You inferred sentiment into my statements. I played. The only thing I took real exception with was your statement that correlation doesn't prove causation.

It was a blanket statement, Spall, and not terribly adept. To have been more accurate you might have said that correlation does not always prove causation. I realize there's a subtlety there, but nonetheless, since BB messages are so prone to being read the wrong way, subtlety is EVERYTHING.

A little advice, if you're willing to accept that we oldies are worth anything. You're young, get some other interests. Talk about some fascinating books you've read (other than political). A funny show you saw on TV (other than political). The interesting way that the light played with the landscape at sunset. The fun you had attempting skiing. The girl you went out with the other night. You're a little overly focused for someone so young.

And, no, that is not distaining your youth, it's asking you to enjoy it, explore it, revel in it.

So let me turn the tables with a whole new subject that has nothing to do with politics.

I'm reading a book called "The Age of Spiritual Machines." It's absolutely fascinating. It's a look to the future. One of computers with real personalities, nanobots, neural implants, virtual realties. Many of these issues I've read about in less detail.

So here's a scenario for you. It is believed by the author, and I think quite possible based on Moore's theory of the doubling of computing speeds every 12 months, that by the year 2020 computers will have reached the speed of the human brain.

Now this is different from the human brain's quickness for complex mathematical problems (in that regard the computers are already way faster), but it's quickness in things like pattern recognition, i.e., when we walk into a room we KNOW a chair is a chair, the person in the chair is Bill, etc. We also don't have a single database like a hard drive, but rather a distributed network. Another major advantage.

The next assumption is that we are already mapping out the brain. Yup, buckos, the neurons and their links will probably be mapped out in 3-D before the middle of the century. If we are able to download a person's conscience into a computer, does that computer become conscience? Does it think, therefore it is?

To anyone who happened to read my post on the quote from Tom Robbins' book about the evolution of man and that the missing link is still among us, you'll appreciate the next step in thinking.

Computers are the next step in evolution. Natural evolution being far too slow, the evolutionary process has dictated that the evolver shall now participate in advancing the time frame of evolution.

Oh, and if you want some homework, you'll love this question. Where and what is your God spot?

And you call ME "tiresome", "condescending", and "long-winded"?

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The Original dpb5!

05/06/01 12:36 AM

#2147 RE: Meme #2038

Meme....seems to me you've NO DOUBT seen the movie "THE BICENTENNIAL MAN" with Robin Williams?

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The Original dpb5!

05/06/01 12:41 AM

#2148 RE: Meme #2038

Meme, on Fortyseventh thought, perhaps THIS is the "GOD SPOT" of which you spoke?