In the year 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild- owned Central Bank. They were Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
In 2011 the only countries left without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
Khazarian Rothschild king 666 pin's black widow spider - JPMorgan Accounts For 99.3% Of The COMEX Gold nss illegal Sales In The Last Three Months -
"Despite king pins bailout with the Peoples money - 666 pawn of Goldman’s much ballyhooed “Gold Sucks!” call a few weeks ago, the squid has not parted with any yellow metal whatsoever in 2013. Hmmm."
What happens when JPM Rothschild banksters cult nss naked short selling of US & UK physical gold is gone but the 666 still have lots of People and with China, Russia, India etc. legal claims to gold? -
his poncy scheme should been bigger and would not allowed to fail - he would got the bailouts as the 666 banksters got - as the biggest banksters 666 poncy scheme frauds been - God Bless