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05/10/13 1:46 PM

#155731 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Great News Johnny Trader. Moderators please sticky this post. Pink and Green Long and Strong KMAG
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05/10/13 1:57 PM

#155732 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thanks for sharing this! Definitely a sticky!
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05/10/13 2:02 PM

#155733 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thank you for that great DD !!

Now that says it all !!

Thanks again !!

Looks like KMAG can and is coming BACK !! BAM !!!!!!

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05/10/13 2:10 PM

#155734 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

It can take years to file charges!!
Charges were JUST filed on May 8th and they were suspended in 2011!!
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05/10/13 2:20 PM

#155737 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Yep...i got the same info....
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05/10/13 2:34 PM

#155743 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thank You Johnny Trader, thank you for that post!
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05/10/13 2:39 PM

#155745 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thanks for the excellent DD Johnny Trader. Every day, I am impressed by the great group of share holders here. Glad to be part of this group!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!
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Oscar Boomer

05/10/13 2:42 PM

#155746 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thanks for posting.
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05/10/13 3:01 PM

#155752 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thanks JT! Great to have some real info from someone credible here!
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05/10/13 3:05 PM

#155753 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Thanks for sharing Johnny Trader.
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05/10/13 3:56 PM

#155758 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

I just received a call from the SEC office in New York

SEC DOES NOT ISSUE "No Action" letters for previously suspended companies if an investigation is over!!!!

"No action" letters are never issued in regards to a suspension, regardless of the status of the SEC investigation. Apples and oranges.

They only do that when a company makes a proposal to do something and does not fully understand it's legality.

Correct! Apples and apples!

My experience in speaking with the SEC was the same as yours. I couldn't even put forth a hypothetical "example". Everything was for the most part generic.

"If there was anything major or illegal found, the SEC would have taken more serious action against KMAG by now" .... and "It's safe to say, the more time elapsed after a temporary suspension, the LESS LIKELY it is that the company is still under investigation or that further action will be taken against them.

The SEC has taken the maximum action against the stock it can initially - suspension, and a default tossing onto the Greys. Interesting would've been for you to ask the SEC employee what s/he considered as "major"? If one reviews their suspension material, the SEC indicates they prefer to settle through administration action out of court agreements (to be later approved by a court) for penalties. As long as the company cooperates, and a huge fraud involving substantial investor money is not involved, there is no reason for the SEC to take immediate "serious" action.

The LESS LIKELY comes from the SEC position they prefer to open and conclude formal investigations within 60 days, per their own documentation. However, that does not preclude them from opening or progressing to a formal investigation past 60 days, or in KMAG's case past 90 days.

The only party who can tell you the investigation is over is Reid, and he isn't talking. Nothing could be more important than Reid announcing the investigation has been closed. Yet he doesn't. If he claims it's over, and it's still open, then he is in more trouble. Silence does mean something in his case.

Also, if he is now under a formal SEC investigation, then he or his lawyers would no longer be able to state he has never been under SEC investigation. That previous legalize from last December has disappeared. The only other way for stockholders to find out is if Reid files a form 10. If under official SEC investigation, he must disclose it. Unfortunately no form 10, which in turn needs audited financials also MIA.
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05/10/13 4:25 PM

#155763 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Johhny Trader: When I called the telephone number you indicated -- 202-551-2000 -- I received a response that "the call could not be completed as dialed." Is this the correct number for Steve Johnston at the SEC from whom you claim to have received a call? If so, why can't he be reached to verify what you claim he told you?

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Crazy Money

05/10/13 6:10 PM

#155772 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

He also said "If there was anything major or illegal found, the SEC would have taken more serious action against KMAG by now" .... and "It's safe to say, the more time elapsed after a temporary suspension, the LESS LIKELY it is that the company is still under investigation or that further action will be taken against them." It's been, what, 9 months!! ?? Investigation is OVER in my opinion.

Been in enough stocks suspended by the SEC to know that is not true... not claiming he did not say that ... just sayin' ... that part of the stuff takes yearzzz... oh, JIMHNO - all I have ever been in ... have also NEVER come back off da Greyzzz and end up completely dead at some point, no matter if other charges are brought or not... :-D
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05/11/13 2:39 AM

#155784 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Appreciate the effort and the info.
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05/12/13 12:02 AM

#155827 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

Hi, Johnny: You said and/or quoted in your post..... [along with '' a little editing by me in the brackets]:

''He also said: "If there was anything major or illegal found, the SEC would have taken more serious action against KMAG by now" .... and [so] "It's safe to say, [that] the more time [that is] elapsed after a temporary suspension, the LESS LIKELY it is that the company is still under investigation, or that [ANY] further action will be taken against them." [SO: What has it] been [now], [some' 9 months!! ?? In my opinion, the SEC investigation is OVER!

He [also] said: ''[All] KMAG needs to [do, is to] file the [necessary] paperwork with FINRA, [etc], and [to] get a MM to review the information surrounding KMAG, in order to [be able to get reinstated back up to the OTC.PK, so as to be able to] quote them again.''

[The which all] should not be [too] difficult [to do], (IMO). [For] all [that] Jeff needs to [do, is to just] put everything in [its proper] place [at] the most opportune time!''

Now, I, Jaime, am persuaded that after JR does all of the other preparatory & necessary legal paper work, etc, that the first & foremost item of necessity is to be reinstated back up to at least the OTC.PK, the which to accomplish will also necessitate a MM & a TA. Along with that, whether concurrently or very shortly afterwards, should be a PROPER NEWS OUTLET PR ABOUT THE AUDITED ANNUAL FINS FOR THE LAST 2 FISCAL YEARS, ie: 2011 & 2012.

Now, if he can't very soon get that, that way, then I opinion that he should go the way of an R/M into an empty shell, so that he can start trading again NORMALLY, ALONG WITH A PR ABOUT THE AUDITED ANNUAL FINS FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS, whether concurrently or very shortly afterwards.

So:Beyond those FIRST TWO NECESSARY & MAJOR EVENTS OF BUSINESS, ie: the uplisting back up to at least the OTC.PK & THE PUBLISHING OF THE AUDITED ANNUALS, is anybody's best guess what might be the next best thing to do, the which will only be so much icing on the above mentioned, delicious, 3 layered, reinstated KMAG cake!

Who knows? Maybe that extra goodie might be the announcement of a multi-million dollar client, like WALMART or J.C. PENNY, who WANTS JR'S technology & products, ey?!! VIVA KMAG & GB JR & ALL OF HIS STOCK HOLDERS! :-)

IMO: If JR accomplishes anything along the above generally outlined plan, I believe with all my heart that we're all gonna see one heck of a FLAG POLE MOASS like as MANY HAVE HEARD ABOUT, BUT FEW HAVE EXPERIENCED! Ijust hope that all we who are actually invested will get to be a part of such a PHENOMENAL EVENT!!!
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05/20/13 2:31 PM

#156304 RE: Johnny Trader #155730

At this point, KMAG is a definite hold. In time, we should be back in the pinks and Jeff Reid can focus on growing his company. Cheers!