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04/27/01 8:03 PM

#2020 RE: nycnpbbkr #2019

Have you been drinking? Remove the spelling errors and then explain what you wrote to me.

No bullshit here buddy. For that last few years I've been transitioning to the stock market as my source of income. Now I will proceed to go into sales. In the market I am barely making it. I never claimed anything else. Just that I AM MAKING IT. It’s not like I have a sponsor helping me out on every little move to help further my success in this line of work.

As for settling....Think about this for a second buddy.

Why compete in an over saturated market? Why not just establish myself even more than I already am. Then proceed to buy the company and it's fifty years of clients along with it? A company already generating positive cash flow with great name recognition as well. Brad will be retiring in a few years and has no heirs apparent. I've already talked to him about buying the place three years ago so he does know that I’m interested in taking over when he's done. So far I am the only one who has approached him in regards to buying him out. Second I’ll still be working on my own terms. Self employed on a 10% straight commission basis. Home on the computer trading stocks and slamming on the simpletons.

I’m not settling for anything. I am increasing my income base.

Geesh I complement you and you tell me to get a bigger trailer house. So I don't live in million dollar houses. The average house in my neighborhood runs 200-350k. Big deal. I wouldn’t live in Communist California for all the money in the world.

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04/28/01 12:23 PM

#2025 RE: nycnpbbkr #2019

NYC...Please let me enterject here. You sure like to make assumptions. Paule lives in a real nice house, he makes pretty dammm good money, his wife does quite all right as well. They bought this nice house in a real nice nieghbor hood when they were quite young, They have two paid for automobiles, and an almost paid off rather two year old car. Both under 30 years old! Take a valium bud!

I guess NYC I'm tired of your elistist attitude and assumptions. If you want to pick on someone, try picking on a broke down, living on SSI, disabled fat man like me. I say this this because you will not be making WRONG assumtions and I'm easy. Plus I have all the free time I need to straighten out azzzholes with very large, overblown ego's that feel the need to belttle people.


I Run From Nobodsy, And Live In The Real World,
