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05/08/13 7:55 AM

#57789 RE: Jonnyo07 #57786

Hi 007,
It is frustrating to see that even you are losing patience. I have been investing for forty plus years and back then, we were happy to double our money in blue chip stocks over a five or six year period even after reinvesting all the dividends. Even that was a task, and you had to be invested in the "right" blue chips.

I owned Coca Cola (KO) for twenty years, and for eight of those years, the stock did nothing. All I did was collect the dividend. Then, suddenly, after about eight years, the stock took off and has split twice since then.

Today, we all want to become millionaires in six months! I just do not get it. Everyone wants instant gratification, and patience is wearing thin.

I have said this a million times, but one person negotiating a deal or deals takes time. No one wants KBLB to succeed more than I do, but I do realize that things do not happen overnight. When you look at how far this company has come over the last three years, it is truly amazing. Yet, we are to become in income generating company commercialization/production in such a short amount of time?

I found yesterday's PR to be very interesting and filled with good news. Those who are losing patience found the article to be just the opposite. I agree with Truth. Let us seen where we are by Thanksgiving or Christmas. Those who stayed the course AND WERE PATIENT will be rewarded with turkey and gravy and with a huge Christmas gift. Those who refused to wait will have nothing...
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05/08/13 8:57 AM

#57794 RE: Jonnyo07 #57786

The point which has completely escaped your attention is that this is a new high tech product. This is not being done to manufacture an already existing product!

It is inevitable when doing something never done before that problems will arise, delays will occur and that projections of timing will be TENTATIVE (a word that appears to cause particular difficulty with many investors).

Anyone investing in biotechs needs to be willing to allow reasonable slack in the timing of developments.
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05/08/13 12:54 PM

#57803 RE: Jonnyo07 #57786

Could you do me a favor. These statement are normally made by someone with no interest in showing the "proof" of the statements. You are a supporter of KBLB saying

this is taking a lot more time than it probably should

Most times this statement is said it is by someone who doesnt want the company to succeed. So I would like to hear what you think is delayed?

Just to give the quick run down if it takes a mill worms for a ton of silk and to be worth doing I would say you need 10 tons a month you need 10M worms a month. How long would it take to get to that point from having 100 worms?

If I asked you to find me a silk farm that is in a country fairly secure from war and with laws that respect international patents how long do you think that would take?

To locate a lab that would work for you how long would that take?

How many generations would it take for you to be convinced that your genetic modification was stable?

These things are just a small part of the things that Kim has done since Sept 2010 (32 months)

I agree it seems like it has taken "so long" but 2+ years is not really that long. The 32 months since the break through is only enough for 20 generations of silk worm. That is really not that much.

Kim has gone from creating a commercial strain of worm and building up the stock of them to beginning production in 2 years.

That is not really that long if you put it in perspective.
It is actually just barley enough to do the things he has done.

We all want results now. We will not get them when we expect because we do not know everything involved in doing it.

I am attempting to buy a house and have been for 2 months. I have the ability but I have not found the right house yet. It could easily take 6 months to find the right place and get into it. Why is it that Kim is expected to find a lab or find a silk farm out of the country in a few days?
Kim is going to start production and expects it to happen in the next 2 quarters. That is not too much to ask. I dont think I could find a proper silkfarm, jump through the international hoops, breed up a stock of silkworms and, sell that silk in 6 months.

I would challenge anyone to give me a reasonable timeline for how they would do it.

IMO Kim is actually being a bit optimistic. 6 months for all that is quite fast and I would think it will take a year or more.

It is only my own opinion but from the day of the breakthrough I would not even question his timeline until it goes over 5 years without a sale. Anything sooner is an unexpected blessing.