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05/06/13 8:51 PM

#58717 RE: The Rainmaker #58716

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but isn't a down day like this with volume like today's a bad thing?

Keep in mind that I am currently having a bracelet engraved with my address on it so they know where to take me if I forget where I live.

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05/06/13 9:01 PM

#58719 RE: The Rainmaker #58716

What Usually Happens Is A PPS Increase, IMO.
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05/06/13 10:10 PM

#58727 RE: The Rainmaker #58716

I am one who is looking at the gold beyond the green in the last few days. Sure it is nice to see the move based on What?
This MBgroup is pretty darn close on the mark. Just a bit higher than what the conclusion of others have come to.
I think the one caught on the wrong side of a trade is going
to be sic. But that is the risk one has to determine in their own mind. I made a handsome profit back on vrmlq back in the day
and others. But I kick myself over and over for not going with the value that some of us placed on it weeks prior to the run up. in another words if I would of held just my house shares
I would not be typing here tonight. I figure I would of never found mmrg. And most likely me and my family would be on a very large sail boat in some nice blue lagoon. Shoulda coulda woulda
time will tell ..