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05/06/13 11:33 PM

#40031 RE: d4diddy #40030

hmm... JB may be tainted...but I think MP takes the BIG prize for his most cynical self-righteous hypocrisy. Your "respectable" MP Probably swindled more $ than JB dreamed of.

BTW... remember, MP stopped R&D to keep "his" money from being spent there. JB at least got more sales than MP ever did...while we paid MP for several overseas adventures....which may have contributed to JB's sale in the Middle East.. maybe its only benefit. From MP's POV... an unintended consequence... after all, in his business plan the alleged hardware and software were only touted in order to sell stock to PPers and perhaps.. a 2d gain of boosting the PPS. Not important to actually have efficient devices for sale... only important to have it appear so.


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05/06/13 11:38 PM

#40032 RE: d4diddy #40030

Well, MP graduated from the POINT..wunna MacAthurs LONG GREY LINE. His fokes wuz missionaries and he got the religion early on. Had to learn how to hustle the congregations for operating money. Went to schule in DC and got to be a buzzhaired lawyer and afore that wuz a chest-poundin green beret or special forces sumpin. Jumped outa airplanes and alla that macho stuff.

JB on the other hand was a loan chark and a hustler out in CA..sellin realestate and living high on the hog. operated a mens store for awhile, too. Went busted at least twice..and Bankruptured. High living without enough money of his own to live high with.

MP is slender and pretty, plays golf to stay in shape. JB is what one would call El Gordo if one was a him a paunch and all that stuff. MP can out-lie him two to one, which is why JB takes lying lessons from him from the CDEX corporate office over in Maryland, probably.

If CDEX ever makes the FEDS pist enough to crack doon, MP has set up JB to take the fall. Lying to the BK court is a good start on that... Maybe. Point is, MP had credentials to get the money men to buy PP shares. JB has credentials to scare them off.

So whatin heck does the PEMCO.LLC/LUBBOCK GROUP need him for??


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05/08/13 2:51 PM

#40041 RE: d4diddy #40030

'Leave the husseling to Robert, he's been know to bring in a PP investor or two. In fact, I believe that he's the one that brought in the Lubbock group.

Yep, ever since he called HIMSELF "ontheedger" AND MAYBE BEFORE, He has been a supporter of the SCAM. Did BIRD-DOGGING and such in support of MP and the CDEX. Tried his best to scare off the damn (spit) bashers.

Led the derivative lawsuit cooked up by MP.

Such LOYALITY, although seemingly flexible, deserves at the least a seat on the BOD. He would make an excellent CEO, too. But MP would never stand for it. He cannot control his fingers when he sits doon at a Keyboard. Uses far too MANY IMOs and MAYBES.