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05/03/13 9:50 PM

#19195 RE: BJ69 #19194

"BJ69" - Congrats ! Batting 1000% - you have a better average than I do.

No comment on the USA direction...I like Costa Rica too these days.

Seriously: Three months with this team - fully engaged - will tell us if the juice is worth the squeeze.

There is no question Sean is working harder than a one-armed paper hanger and with support staffing his job would be a lot easier.

A little space and time: A few months lease payments, another $25-50K for NIJ testing, some overhead for R & D and he'll have a fighting chance.

Plus a "Power BoD": I hope you're wrong about the BoD not being locked and loaded. If they aren't then there is nothing in it for them. Period.

No rainbow and pot of gold at the end.
No golden ticket.
No satisfaction of a job weell-done.

Those guys have pedigrees up the wazoo - you admit that - you've read all my biographical posts about them - it's in the "Q" report - everyone of them has shown extraordinary ambition and success (and known the sting of failure too) at various times in their lives.

I'm counting on their ambition and successful histories to change the tide.

The product is real. Past mgmnt. under JB and CJ was real too - REAL BAD !!

Read my reply to "bork tube user" and see if it makes sense to you.

Roll tide.


05/03/13 10:33 PM

#19196 RE: BJ69 #19194

Regrettably for the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders the feedback you just received from ATL (Interim CEO Sean Floyd) paints a very revealing picture of deception taking place at Bourque Industries in regards to how the unofficial company message being delivered by ATL, and now today via JOHN11's #msg-87562536 from Matthew Schissler and attorney Jeff Saffer identifies the same plan of activity to have this company go into bankruptcy so that a "waiting in the wing" private investing group can obtain this company (a.k.a. the Kryron patents) for near zero cost.

The shareholders are told to "wait" as "ALL is being looked into" and "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "you will see" and "the new BODs are awesome with impressive qualifications for accomplishing great things" so relax and don't rock the boat.

John Bourque's plan to push this company into bankruptcy was simple, derail all sales and testing, collapse BORK's pps, and declare that having no cash this company has no ability to move forward.

That plan was itself derailed with the DUI judgment of conviction taking John Bourque out of "play."

All the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" now "heard" was based on the new BODs having the right stuff to put this company onto safe, solid, and stable grounds to move ahead.

But now we learn that the BODs seemingly have not stepped in to provide ATL with needed assistance, that which would be a miniscule amount of what each of these new BODs have available.

Why can be quite simple, as in this is their plan to allow this company to pass into bankruptcy.

As I suggested, this was their agenda upon arrivial, and while the key player then was John Bourque with an expected outcome of a not guilty judgement call, thusly having John Bourque remain in charge WITH his massive percentage of BORK shares so that he remains the one calling all the shots, but now with John Bourque removed from the plan, the plan continues, but here each new BOD member can get a bigger slice of the Kryron patents pie with John Bourque not a part of the play.

Yes folks, soon the BODs will announce that this company can not continue, and proof will be ATL's inability to run a company having no cash and no other senior officers available for needed work to be done, and not to be done because there is no cash to hire such personnel.

Again, the BODs will not allow ATL to put out any update of positive note in regards to Kryron's pass or current testing data, this to keep BORK's pps collapsed as an idicator of a failed company.

Yes folks, Matthew Schissler gathered all of these wonderful new BODs, and while initially the game play to take this company private included John Bourque as the main player, they now obtained what is a much bigger prize, slice wise, for each of them.

Its simple, the Kryron patents, as currently THATs all this company SEEMs to have.

No need for sales to now happen, just get the Kryron patents and everything will fall into place, very quickly you see, as these new BODs have great talents and have deep resources to over-night fuel the BORK Train so it will leave the station towards greatness.

So please, stop the DD on how great these new BODs are, as yes their greatness will be showned to all AFTER they obtain this company as their own private company.

BTW... Once into bankruptcy I have been told that you BORK shareholders will NOT even get the current pps for your BORKs.

Amazing how the law is written so that the lawyers can twist & turn events the way they want them to travel.

Perhaps its time to replace your acceptance of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" with "Don't Worry, the new BODs have already set in motion for you to be Very unHappy" as you wait not expecting that because you allowed no specifics and accountability to happen... why? Its simply... let others say what you want heard, and accept that without doing any DD to identify that what you hear is false, false and untrue on purpose to keep you at bay.

I know, I know... I should call ATL and get another "Don't Worry, Be Happy" fix so that I will feel better.


WAIT... Now via a contact with someone, perhaps knowed on this board, we can NOW increase beyond ATL for a "Call" and get additional "Don't Worry, Be Happy" fix upon more fix of "all is good, so do nothing."

Yes folks, NOW available to telephone and talk: Matthew Schissler and attorney Jeff Saffer


ATL to me is most likely clueless as he gets the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" from the BODs.

But then ATL needs to accept that and he himself not rock the boat so that later when this company gets private the BODs will allow ATL to get onboard the BORK Train, just not as CEO but Sales & Marketing since they already have senior executives lined up to arrive and take charge.

So simple, as in its all about Money & Power and seeminly the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders are lacking in power or ability to look after their BORK investments... meaning, do nothing gets nothing.
