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05/03/13 3:12 AM

#10868 RE: JustGarden #10867

"Do you think there is enough evidence for shareholders to file a lawsuit against HDVY's management and Board of Directors for misrepresentation."

Possibly. A more promising route might be to trace the recipients of all those millions of shares that were handed out so liberally over the years for "consultancy services", and see how many ended up in the hands of promoters who pimped the living daylights out of HDVY elsewhere on the Internet without even the merest hint of the appropriate disclosures. It's also likely some of those same pimps are company insiders.

Action through the Securities Acts seem to me to be the most appropriate way to secure some kind of justice for the victims of Barnhill and his cronies. Unfortunately it seems unlikely that HDVY itself would have any funds left to settle any lawsuit, having been raped and pillaged by a succession of crooks at Barnhill's invitation.

Unless you can get some kind of disgorgement out of Barnhill, and those same cronies, then I suspect the best HDVY marks can hope for is some kind of retributive justice, especially if SEC pass the case on to the DoJ for criminal prosecution.