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04/27/01 12:08 PM

#2024 RE: smart_sassy #2023

Re: Sassy - when did this board stop being fun

This is what I mean, Spall - you see we get mad at you and LC because we feel that we do answer your questions, and, just because you don't agree with the answer, you guys get beligerant towards us.

This is perhaps the most dishonest assertion you guys keep clinging to. Whether or not one answers a question isn't something you "feel" or not, you either answer it or you don't. It isn't that we don't "agree" with the answer, it isn't that we don't "like" the answer, it is that, in many cases, there are serious, relevant questions, which directly challenge points that you (or mikkj, or indy, etc.) brought up, that are completely ignored. And often, when there is an answer, it is a quip about anal nits, frogs, or ducks, and communicates nothing that actually addresses the issues being raised by the question. Are you denying that this occurs?

It really is a vicious cycle.

And what do you suppose started that "vicious cycle"? It doesn't help your case to pay any attention to who fired first, does it? Are those being falsely accused of "self interest" supposed to just sit quietly and say nothing? (See, these are relevant questions, too. Two of them could be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" if so desired. But convincing yourself of a "feeling" that you answered them doesn't actually get them answered, does it?)

There is no fixing this, I guess. Too many people feel that they are the maligned, so they are not the problem.

Yeah, they might tend to reach such conclusions when people make false accusations about their motives and then run for cover. Go figure.

Let's drop it and just go on as this conversation did not take place.

But only after you in get the last word, right?


04/27/01 3:32 PM

#2029 RE: smart_sassy #2023

Re: Sassy - when did this board stop being fun

This is what I mean, Spall - you see we get mad at you and LC because we feel that we do answer your questions, and, just because you don't agree with the answer, you guys get beligerant towards us. It really is a vicious cycle.

If that was even remotely true, I would accept it. It is not. Indy and Mikkj do not even bother engaging Librarycop in civil debate. They ignore his questions and put petty insults in the place where the answer is supposed to be.

There is no fixing this, I guess. Too many people feel that they are the maligned, so they are not the problem. Let's drop it and just go on as this conversation did not take place.

Fine by me.