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04/30/13 9:50 PM

#195621 RE: lbdave #195620

no reason to hang around and trash the company or the CEO because of the losses.

Once the facts were playing is a sense of trying to make sure they are CRYSTAL clear to newbies in the penny market to help them not make the very same mistakes and lose money too. For some, it is an honorable thing to do. May not be everyone's thing but I do know it is important for some still here to share the horrible lessons they learned with this pos.

Anyone paying attention for the last year should have known this was coming but many kept holding on to that last glimpse of hope. I personally saw it several years ago. This ceo can't get out of his own way. That has been clear for quite a few years.

Hope all is well in your world!

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Black Beerd

05/01/13 9:50 AM

#195629 RE: lbdave #195620

" As far as either of them having a heads up on the R/S is laughable, because everyone who reads the blogs (which are usually posted on the board) had a heads up straight from the horses mouth on April 4th. "

While thats true Dave and no one can argue it...its the period of weeks ...months and years previous to that quoted april blog that had shareholders hanging on listening to the CEO also telling them it would never happen...he dangled so many carrots in front of them it was hard for many to believe he would really do such a thing. The loyals here have long looked the other way....away from all the important indicators like the financials etc. They swallowed up his transparency act hook line and sinker....years and years of comes that april R/S and now how good it is blog thats contrary to EVERYTHING THIS CEO PREVIOUSLY STATED and at that point the PPS value has been destroyed...whats left to believe in is a CEO who tried to play on this "nobleness" credibility card he talked blogged often about. The CEO IMO played the loyals to a point where he couldn't fluff them any longer and the treasury ran new spin starts. The guy imo has deceived many and accountability should lie largely with him.
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05/01/13 10:27 AM

#195633 RE: lbdave #195620

lbdave...sadly that CEO blog quote is juz another shining example of the purposeful carrot leading intent that has always been the hallmark of this CEO's web blog!

Reality never quite measures up to the purposely built in CEO expectation even the Reverse Split blog clearly states/suggests/insinuates that he's only doing the reverse split in connection with his uplisting! In fact there were other recent suggestions from him about his noble uplisting pursuits...yet the reality of the situation is that he hasn't even hired auditors to even start working on 2 full years of fully audited financials which is only step 1 of any legitimate uplisting attempt!

So why did he purposely build in the expectation factor in his blog bravado words that shareholders should prepare for a R/S in connection with a justified uplisting...when in reality all he did was reverse split just like every other pos-land stock that bleeds out the entire 1st round of treasury stock>>>

The company has always taken the position that a R/S in connection with an uplisting has justification and purpose