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05/05/13 7:06 PM

#203493 RE: arizona1 #203189

Please show your support for the journalists and staff at the Los Angeles Times who are willing to quit their jobs if Charles and David Koch purchase the newspaper.

Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos (

Click here to sign the petition.

Amidst news that the Koch brothers are considering purchasing at least five major Tribune Company newspapers -- including the Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel and Hartford Courant -- the staff at these organizations are starting to fight back.

Here is a case in point. Last week, at an in-house awards ceremony for Los Angeles Times staff, columnist Steve Lopez asked everyone in attendance, "Raise your hand if you would quit if the paper was bought by the Koch brothers." Fully half of the staff raised their hands.

Bravery like this might doom the sale of the newspaper to the Kochs before it begins. A mass staff exodus would be a crushing blow to any news organization, costing it big time in terms of reputation, audience and production capacity.

It isn't easy to threaten to quit your job, though, and so we need make it clear that we have the backs of journalists who refuse to become mouthpieces for Koch brother propaganda.

Please, click here to sign our petition supporting the journalists and staff at the Los Angeles Times who are willing to quit their jobs if Charles and David Koch purchase the newspaper.
48343 total signers.

To the staff of the Los Angeles Times–

We stand in solidarity with you in opposition to the Koch Brothers purchasing the Los Angeles Times. Thank you for taking a stand.

Keep fighting,
Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos