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04/30/13 2:29 PM

#6052 RE: Coho20 #6049

Waterton is very successful - a big part of how they do it is structuring very good deals - guess which end of the deal you are on? Let's say they turn this sucker around quickly, and make a net profit of 15 million next year - a quick 100% return on their cash investment in just the first year - and then they do that each and every year for the next 20 years - which is all pure gravy. That's a whale of a fantastic investment....right?....for Waterton. How much would the NPI pay out under that scenario? $20 mm over 9 years - present value - roughly 15 mm. There is plenty of sillyness to go around - but the only ones truly having a gut busting laugh over this is Waterton. This ain't no $110 mm dollar deal on Hollister. :)