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Mr. Ed

03/27/03 8:54 AM

#12728 RE: CoalTrain #12727

CoalTrain,I'm going to drop the discussion,the horror of war and Fisk's style of reporting it are two different things,you aren't going to change your mind,and I won't either,I see the use of Fisk's adjectives and viewpoint at times to be blatantly anti-American,and constant,I repeat,constant attacks on the U.S.,and lack of balance were my point.Your posting of Fisk's latest article is all the proof you need,especially his inclusion of the Syrian bus,which was full of armed Palestinians coming to join the Iraqi war effort.I'm truly surprised you don't see it.Not ever one word,not one,about the viciousness of Saddam's regime,only "outrage" at the U.S.,his reporting is what you see at this site- it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member.
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Tom K

03/27/03 9:56 AM

#12732 RE: CoalTrain #12727

Another example of Mr. No Facts Fisk -

"Two missiles from an American jet killed them all - by my estimate, more than 20 Iraqi civilians, torn to pieces before they could be 'liberated' by the nation that destroyed their lives. Who dares, I ask myself, to call this 'collateral damage'? Abu Taleb Street was packed with pedestrians and motorists when the American pilot approached through the dense sandstorm that covered northern Baghdad in a cloak of red and yellow dust and rain yesterday morning."

1. Did Mr. Fisk see the two missiles? How does he know there were two missiles?
2. "American jet"? I suppose he actually saw the jet that fired the missiles.
3. "20 Iraqi civilians"? Really? That's even more casualties than the Iraqi government claimed.

The main problem with Mr. Fisk's story is that it may be COMPLETELY WRONG! The pentagon has reported that they did not target the market and mentioned that the damage could have been caused by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile. For the record, the pentagon didn't claim it was impossible that it wasn't one of their missiles gone astray

But who cares about getting all the facts first Mr. Fisk? Just go ahead and make stuff up. Are you sure it wasn't two American jets and one missile a piece? Or a British jet and three missiles? Was it 20 civilians or 200? Ah, who cares. Just go ahead and make up facts - it makes you sound like a legitimate REPORTER.