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04/29/13 4:37 PM

#32414 RE: nebula2012 #32412

Good to see someone reporting the facts on an UP Day, rather than report that the cup is empty. I see the cup as half full and filling with real treasure (i.e. artifacts, coins etc.) CB and Deep Blue Crew, your efforts are much appreciated!!


04/29/13 5:08 PM

#32415 RE: nebula2012 #32412


Someone who was a bull until today put up a post that has deleted where he was very mad at the company. Mad because he said he found out things in his due diligance. Found out that what you are saying is NOT TRUE.

<<Deep Blue is diving, recovering treasure, has funding and a TV series about to begin >>

He wrote that although they dove temporarily for a few weeks that the boat is sitting there with no gas and NOT DIVING. So - do you have any reason to believe they ARE diving, this week, today,now, or however you want to phrase it, or is this just "your opinion"? He was adamant that the boat has NO GAS, ans is sitting. Can you say otherwise?

<<--The Dominican government is well aware of all the problems Deep Blue and Wilf have had, so SUBSTANTIAL changes must have been made to allow us to dive under contract again >> He said that the contract has NOT been given back to them yet. Yet you say there is. The company has said NOTHING about a contract. Is there a reason you say it has been given to them again? ANything that says you are not just hyping the stock in an attempt to get it to go higher on "facts" that are not true?

I'm trying to figure out this company and this stock. YOu come on with specific bold statements saying what the comapny is doing. Show pictures that are not pb;lic information. then this guy, who was fairly new to the board but quite the BULL, comes and says he was lied to and the things you, among others, are writing, are not true. It's not me who says these things. No one at the comapny has talked to me on the phone for over a year. No return calls. But you have spoken to someone. Otherwise you would not have private pictures. As an insider of this information and news, I'm asking why he came up with a totally different answer than you are posting. ANy ideas what happened, and why he said these things??

OKay, you can't asnwer why HE wrote what he wrote. So I'll change it. Ask why YOU write what YOu write. Why do you say things, as fact, like "Deep Blue is diving" when others that found out information from soneone (Must have been the company, no??) say they are not? Since the company won't tell us ANYTHING, like whether they ARE diving or if they just dove for a two week period a month ago and nothing SINCE then, or whether the contract waqs renewed or is pending and an unknown at this time, why do you come on proclaiming yourself as a director (in jest, but still ...) and saying you are "teaching" us about this company, when others say you are spouting things that are just not true?

What say ye?