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04/27/13 7:09 PM

#72093 RE: neidenbach #72092

and according to Scottstrade there will be a money amount on a stock to keep the new tier for ambs, there is a 360 change about to happen, big, BIG things are going to make us $$$$ and retire sooner than some, just so hard to belive this is happening in front of our eyes, so awsome, aswome.

Interesting, if not 'awesome'. We've all been reading about 'shorties getting burned' for weeks and months it seems. How much of a 'singe' are they feeling so far? Isn't shorting a relatively sophisticated practice that is mostly done by people who know what they're doing?

Like anyone I'd like to time an AMBS bottom to add more. When do you suppose the '360 change' will actually occur?


04/27/13 7:23 PM

#72096 RE: neidenbach #72092

neidenboch: Could you explain this further:

there will be a money amount on a stock to keep the new tier for ambs

Don't know what you mean and certainly did not understand "360".
I use Scottrade.....