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12/03/05 7:24 PM

#1083 RE: roguedolphin #1081


Please explain something to me. I read all your posts. I am convinced you are are a highly intelligent yet very ecentric individual.

Due to the fact that you very rarely post your own thoughts I still have no idea where you are coming from.

I gather you believe the Bush administration is made up of Fascist neocons. Even I can figure this much out.

But what is the goal here? Is Bush attempting to defeat Fascist Dictotorial middle eastern leaders and followers because he doesnt believe they are fascist enough?

Or do you believe it is a front (a fake war that he is intentionally losing) to allow the fascist middle east to take over America?

I have no idea where are coming from.

Much of what you say i agree with or at least consider plausible but i have no idea what you think Bush is doing here.

If you are trying to tell me that Bush has concocted this war to increase Republican power, I have to tell you it has backfired.

He would have been a lot better off being Clinton-eske and ignoring it and doing nothing. By the way if you believe it is his goal to allow radical islam to win, this strategy would have been more effective also.

I just have no idea where you are coming from.