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12/03/05 5:57 PM

#1080 RE: echos #1079

Echos you make a great point.

The media is an entertainment outfit and in my opinion this leads to a further slant to the left.

What is more left leaning than the entertainment industry?

The media doesnt report the news on a factual basis. The report it in a way that will raise ratings.

What is more entertaining?

A rock group singing about moral values or one singing about sex and violence?

A movie about church going citizens working 9 to 5 jobs and contributing to society or bank robbing criminals shooting at police?

The media is no different.

Where you and i differ is the belief that they start out at a neutral position and go in the direction the wind blows. I say they play a larger role in determining the direction the wind blows than most of us believe.

To start off with

Clearly there are many media types that come from an ideological standpoint. It is true that both sides are represented but when 90% of the media are self described liberals or at least self described democrats how could you possibly believe that they are not going to slant to the left.

It may seem like a minor thing but it is not. Imagine if 90% of everything you hear in your life comes from a slant of 1 viewpoint while 10% comes from the other, obviously it affects opinion. How could it not?

Now lets assume that a good portion of the media goes out of their way to try to be fair and objective. This is where your point comes in. From an entertainment point of view conservatism is boring. I recognize this as a conservative. Liberalism is fun. Now i am not saying that fun is always the way to go here. I am simply saying that it is more entertaining to present stories from the point of view of the left. It doesnt make it the right side. Just more entertaining.

Think about all the great commedians in the world past and present. How many of them would you consider to be conservative? I cant think of one off of the top of my head.
Who contributes more to society? A commedian making of fun of everything that seems old fashioned or stoggy or a nurse nursing our soldiers back to health. Obviously the latter but which one is more entertaining and lends itself to the spreading of its point of view?

While I believe there are conservative media types that attempt to sway opinion, I also believe they are far outnumbered by the same on the left. Then when you factor in the entertainment factor it only accelerates the leaning to the left.

When the news becomes the news instead of an entertainment vessel then possibly there will not be a leaning to the left.

As a side and just for something to consider.

When i was young I listened to heavy metal music and it drove my mother nuts hearing the lyrics so she went out and bought a tape about satanism in music.

On this tape and this was so long ago i hope i dont screw up a fact here, the preacher/commentator told a story about the archangel Lucifer that was cast out of heaven.

The story went and i am no bilbical scholar so if someone wants to correct me fine, that there were 12 archangels working for the Lord and each archangel was in charge of different things.

The thing lucifer was in charge of was entertainment(music etc.)

I dont mean to get all preachy as I certainly am not qualified to do so but that always stuck with me and I have certainly noticed during my lifetime that the entertainment industry (in my humble southern backwards opinion) has certainly done the work of the devil. The power to influence and change minds and hearts is a very dangerous thing when that power is misused.

All opinion obviously but it sure seems evident to me.