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04/25/13 4:25 PM

#195439 RE: Serenity #195434

Yep but as the even colder hard reality of their now crucified account values begins to truly set in as the 2nd round diluting begins...the more behind the scenes whispering sweet nothings bs he tries to pass off on his now crucified 1st crop of longs the deeper their outrage will grow.

He already DIDN'T uplist in conjunction with his reverse split as all his many bs blogs on the R/S subject suggested...and he's obviously gonna be unleashing fresh dilutive shares as fast as the paperwork allows him to.

I'm sure all those blogs put out there where he was busy patting himself on the back suggesting he was only reverse splitting for the noble intention of uplisting are being judged unfairly like all his other blog carrots that never quite measured up to the eventual reality that the 200 store spring roll out, the friendly financiers from over a year ago, the amazing GSA schedules contract, the monthly Do It Best store count blogs that abruptly stopped 4 months ago when he finally realized his year end financials were going to reveal that even with approx 900 DIB stores all said to be ordering product his across the board sales were free falling etc etc etc