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Entangled Proton

04/25/13 2:26 PM

#165611 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #165610

But that's not how it's perceived by a normal person or the general public.

By Ihub's own rule, A poster must show how it relates to the company or stock, or it's off-topic..

Besides we all know certain posters are using this term to badger other posters without showing how the statement relates to the information being posted. In many cases the information being posted is correct.

Entangled Proton

04/25/13 2:30 PM

#165612 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #165610

Strait from WIKI :

More specifically, being "wrong" refers to a situation wherein an individual has made an error or misjudgment.

Entangled Proton

04/25/13 2:42 PM

#165613 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #165610

Webster: All definitions relate to an individual

1 : a harmful, unfair, or unjust act
2 : something that is wrong : wrong principles, practices, or conduct <know right from wrong>
3 : the state, position, or fact of being or doing wrong <in the wrong>

Information may be incorrect, but it's the individual who is wrong.
Information is debatable, but the individual is not !!


04/29/13 2:27 PM

#165643 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #165610

So it's the letter of the rule and not the intent? Clearly "wrong" & "wrong again" is obviously referring to the poster "&" his/her post. Wouldn't "I disagree and here's why" be more appropriate and apply to the common sense meaning of the rule?

I'm certain that the admin here are genuinely trying to provide the best service possible. Also IHUB admin is one of the quickest to respond of any of the dozens of forums I belong to.

However, IMO when rules & words get down to this level of analysis (an example would be "it depends on what your definition of is, is") it becomes increasingly difficult for posters to accept and participate with the difference between the common sense intention of what a rule is and what it apparently means after it's been parced and analyzed down to it's individual molecules.

There are many taking full advantage of this to blatantly insinuate, demean and personally attack others. Anyone who reads a board consistently can cleary see it...this leads those whom they are attacking to either play the same game or cease to participate.

This doesn't seem to be benefial for IHUB or it's members.
