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04/23/13 1:35 PM

#223383 RE: Arthur Edward Whoof #223380

the co. has a website .. showing the evolution of the process

in the real world .. processes evolve via feedback (external/internal)
and in the real world re: *disruptive* techs (as noted via a ceo
on cnbc just this morning) >> realistic time lines are a given

speaking strictly for myself .. what the co. has achieved in mere years
is simply stunning (i equate my investment as far less risky today
than 2009/2010)

i also expect my version of P2O's proof of concept to happen this year
(that is one Q fully operational and filed with the dolts)

btw .. the co.s last 2 8k's .. (CC and yesterday's preso)
should also be reviewed in detail .. since there are clues (as i call them)
contained within both ..

i like the way the dots are connecting to say nothing of the expanding
*base* of support that JBI has

as always those requiring clarity should wait for it ..

all jmo