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04/20/13 4:02 PM

#222967 RE: fourkids_9pets #222964

not only is there so much money at stake .. abusive shorts' need *legit* shares

Of course that must be the reason the price is going down, there is so much demand and people want shares so much the price keeps dropping. Great work!
Maybe those whacky "abusive shorts" can just buy the next PIPE for like .30/share?

Arthur Edward Whoof

04/20/13 4:48 PM

#222977 RE: fourkids_9pets #222964


If jbi and the p2o process were commercially viable...


The process worked...


jbi actually did anything that it promised...


jbi did not screw up every step of the way...

There would be no way for anyone or anything to stop the stock price from rising!

The fact that the company and the process do not work is reflected in the falling share value...
not any outside influence...
but solely based on the company's performance and its inability to disprove reality.

CAUSE- jib is a company based on false promises

EFFECT- talk about false promises and the stock price goes down

CAUSE- jb promises the world but doesn't deliver

EFFECT- excuses are made and the stock price goes down

CAUSE- jbi fails to show a positive cash flow

EFFECT- blame everyone and everything except the failing company

CAUSE- plastic costs more than the fuel than can be made

EFFECT- blame the bearer of reality not the company for a bad concept

CAUSE- p2o is not commercially viable

EFFECT- true statements are made about p2o and the stock price goes down

The problem is the company, the process and the reality...
If the truth was any different the results would be as as well.


I am in no way compensated for my opinion or my posts on this site. I have no ‘secret agenda’ or personal gain that can be materialized from the act and method of my postings. I am simply a concerned, ‘outside’ interest with valid knowledge and information that I feel may be helpful. I chose to provide this information and related opinions at my own will and from the direction of no person, company or entity. My motive is to help those that may not have the background, knowledge, means or access to this information and my personal desire to gain additional knowledge and understanding of the topics discussed. I am compelled to educate. No ill will, malice, defamation, or slander is intended in any way. All literary creativity utilized in my posts are intended as a vehicle to express my opinions. I am always open to mature discussions of substance and encourage rebuttal and enlightenment. My sincere apologies go out to anyone that is disturbed by the revelations of fact that I have conveyed in the past or may provide in the future.