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04/18/13 12:48 AM

#2982 RE: regulator2006 #2980

Good post regarding IR and I am aware that the RVPL CEO is busy but having prompt and accurate responses is key is appeasing investors and building investor confidence. This is not the first time that IR stated something that was incorrect. Back in December they kept telling us the CEO was going to update us in December and it happened on Jan 6th, then they mentioned that there would be revenues in the latest quarterly report and there wasn't. There needs to be better communication and I don't care how busy the CEO is, that's why he hired an IR person/dept.

I sent IR an email today criticizing their past investor email correspondence and also mentioned an example of another company STL* who also has an extremely busy CEO (and no IR person unlike RVPL) and yet he can distribute press releases on and/or Marketiwred and continuously update investors on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages too. The STL* CEO even updated investors on Facebook when he was at the Houston airport to indicate that he was going to file the annual report since it was deadline date. Being busy is one thing, being lazy and not disseminating tasks when you have staff to do so (like an IR person) is another, but hey, that's just my opinion.

If we had more investor confidence, do you think we'd still be sitting between 6 to 12 cents per share? Doubt and silence is what is preventing this stock from exploding upwards and only the CEO and the IR dept can be blamed for this. They better improve investor communication in the future (and I don't mean issuing fluff PR's as those are worthless) as communication has been terrible and lacking in the past and present.