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04/26/01 4:45 PM

#1988 RE: smart_sassy #1987

Re: Sassy / When did this board STOP being fun?

You have a superiorty complex ...

I didn't used to, but given the caliber of debate that's been going on around here lately among those who generally agree with you, it's become virtually impossible not to.

... and your comments are snippy and uppity as you attempt to demean your respondee.

Are you sure you're not confusing me with indy here? If not, this may be a perfect example of that "bias" I mentioned before.

Also, remember what I said about firing the first shot? And would you care to take any bets on whether indy and others are willing to permanently put aside all "attempts to demean"? When you have achieved that miracle, get back to me.

I am one who can be closed minded and can become defensive when I feel my position is being challenged.

Then my suggestion is to either strengthen your arguments so that you can effectively respond to those challenges, or open your mind and reconsider your views.

Happy? Unbiased enough?

Yes, except where otherwise noted, and I will be genuinely impressed if you can remain so from now on.

Now this has probably started on the road for some more personal insults.

Not necessarily, but, as you might expect from me, it does raise some questions. Is accusing someone of having a "superiority complex", or referring to their comments as someone "snippy" and "uppity" a personal insult, or does it take more than that? And does it matter whether those "snippy" and "uppity" comments are in response to someone ELSE'S insults? I just want to know where you draw the line about what makes it "personal".

I think that there are some problems with this board and wanted some constructive comments on how to fix it.

It would be a step in the right direction if you would all get over your aversion to questions that challenge your opinions. The recent criticism directed at me lately about too many of them would have some merit if I were actually using the number of them to overwhelm someone I am arguing with, but that is not the case. Other than an occasional rhetorical question thrown in for good measure, most of my questions are meant to directly challenge a specific argument made by someone else, and the only ones that have been repeated are the ones that weren't answered in the first place.

Additionally, some of the "attaboys" going on around here seem to come pretty cheap. Just as you know that Spall and I agree on most things (WEAC too, though he doesn't seem to be around here much anymore), we know that you, Meme, Mikkj, Indy, & Dennis agree on most things, at least most of what's been argued about lately. It would be a refreshing change if one of you had the honesty to recognize what's been going on with some of this stuff, and actually try to get someone on your "side" to do a better job of defending direct challenges to points made in their own posts, rather than simply making excuses for each other. If you're so sure of yourselves, particularly with regard to the "self interest" accusations, then drop the excuses, and take your best shot at directly answering some of those questions I've asked about those accusations.

Along similar lines, you could probably learn a lot by reviewing your own post #1407, and seeing whether you think that post was in the "can't we all just get along?" spirit that you now seem to be promoting, especially since you got a couple of things wrong, and since there was nothing in the post of mine that you were responding to that was in error, or that warranted such a hostile reaction.

I thought that we are all adults here and would agree that we all tend to be childish and immature at times. If you want this to continue, fine by me.

I don't, but then again, I haven't been the one taking the discussions down to that level.

I can sling insults with the best of them. However, it is an ineffective way to communicate.

Agreed. But if they come my way often enough, don't criticize me for firing back.