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11/29/05 10:38 PM

#5073 RE: PowerPole #5071

And I thought my post was good. Great job PowerPole. There is no way this company will not go todamoon.

Forget about calling the TA about OS and just relax for a bit everybody. Call management if you have any concerns. I am 100% convinced that we will all be very happy in the next few months/years.

No need for good luck on this one. Hope all can get in and enjoy the ride. Forget about the day to day PPS and look at others to trade.


11/29/05 10:44 PM

#5074 RE: PowerPole #5071

Nice post, and would be a great idea once buyback and filings
are complete to do just that:

He said that their Lawyers have suggested the best way to account for all the shares of this Company would be changing the Ticker Symbol and QSIP number of this stock...

Do you all understand what this will do to the MM's if they do this?

The MM's will have to account for every single share of this stock, and if they are Selling Short or Naked Shorting, they will Immediately be accountable for Every share they have shorted!

Can anyone spell "Short SQUEEZE"?...ROTFLMAO

Definitely some cleaning up to do in the meantime.


11/29/05 10:47 PM

#5075 RE: PowerPole #5071

Powerpole...great post

The idea about a symbol and cusip number change is one that I had thought about a few times. Wow would that put the mm's in a world of hurt. Thanks again for letting us hear about your call.

P.S. Mac thanks for your post also.


11/29/05 11:06 PM

#5076 RE: PowerPole #5071

Do not get the point of why one would want to sell their shares for 0.02 to the Co at a Loss...? to be Locked away??

Did I miss something?? Down 50k and sell shares for a Loss?

Sounds very altruistic!

"And to be Honest, all together we are DOWN almost $500K...I personally am down almost $50K on this trade...

I called to ask Paul to buy ALL of these shares for .02

He agreed without hesitation...I asked him: "What if the pps is at .01 next week, will you still honour this DEAL", and he said "YES!"...I asked him to "write it down next to my name" to be sure we had a DEAL..."


11/29/05 11:11 PM

#5078 RE: PowerPole #5071

Thank you PowerPole.

Your post further verifies why I hold my position.

Two years is a drop in the bucket when looking at the growth anticipated here.

Have a great time celebrating in FL. Looking forward to reading your post when you return. (I hope Robinhood also has read your post and has some food for thought. He was well intentioned with his visit and I do appreciate his effort. I hope he is not disillusioned.) The big picture is what I am focusing on.

I would like to visit PBLS at some point during 2006.

Paul appears to have his vision well in motion.

Love the thought of a change in QSIP....that is brilliant!
Wouldn't that be justice! LOL!

By the way, I haven't seen Misty post for some time. Is this
poster still an investor? I was impressed with the photo's and summation of his visit earlier.


Here comes the night

11/30/05 12:17 AM

#5104 RE: PowerPole #5071

PP great to see you get some of the answers you wanted. Thanks for posting your conversation or what of it you could..MWC


11/30/05 12:38 AM

#5106 RE: PowerPole #5071

PowerPole - Awesome DD - great questions, Thanks. EOM


12/01/05 10:42 AM

#5358 RE: PowerPole #5071


I understand your frustration with the PPS. I too have what I consider to be a sizable stake in PBLS.

I read threads on this board about how this comapny might be a scam and other comments.

Well all I can tell you is I started buying shares in 1999 at .055 when the company was traded on the NASDAQ board. It seems to me that if there was any doubt about this company, they would not have been listed on the NASDAQ board initially.

There is a well documented series of events that gets us to where we are now. No need to go into them again.

Like you, I also convinced family to invest in PBLS. They were lucky enough to get in shortly after I did at .02-.025. They are breaking even while I am still down, that's irony for you!

Believe me, I put up with my share of comments about how I got them involved in this. Truth be told, I exposed them to this company but they made the decision to buy. I am sure this is similar in your family, too.

My point is, I have been a believer in this company for six years, and I still am. I know where they have been because I owned stock at the time. I can see where they are going.

I see great hings ahead for this company. I see people posting they will get out at $1, I only hope I have enough cash to buy their shares. Personally, I have this much time invested I am waiting around until $3.00.

Many people have calculated the pre ProGas value of the stock at $2.67. I do not believe I am far off.

In any event, my personal message to you is keep a stiff upper lip in the face of you family and they will thank you later.

I invite you to PM me, but I can not reply in kind as I am a "FREE" member. If you choose to, please include an e-maill address or phone number and I will be happy to get in touch with you to discuss further.


12/01/05 11:49 AM

#5377 RE: PowerPole #5071

PowerPole...that post just blew me away! Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I'm sure you're not planning on selling now..:-)


12/01/05 1:24 PM

#5391 RE: PowerPole #5071

Taking a small position

Took a while to get them at .0235. Could be a good sign.

Why buy now? I keep looking over the cash paid out $8.5 million to cover debt. There must be money bubbling up somewhere and if they paid out $8.5 million there must be a positive side for the holders.

If they show $8.5 million cash on the books (lol) this has a long run ahead of it.