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04/13/13 8:43 PM

#24489 RE: yaadmon #24480

Oh yes, "a new scam CEO with a new scam company and a new scam idea" is just what investors need, like they haven't already had that here at least 5 times.

This scam like so many others is passed from one scam artist to another, scamming more and more investors by exactly that same way of thinking.

"New CEO, new company, new business plan" has been the touts over and over again but they're all the same, a scam.

This scam is dead money, probably will be shut down by the SEC eventually, but who cares, go ahead and slap the ask.

Gary and the "majority shareholders" approved a 20B AS which is still in effect so there's plenty of shares available.

A balance to the promotions will always be here.
(never lost a penny on this scam for the last 5 scams that it has been, same goes for any of the other scam "companies" that I help to expose along with their paid promoters or "IR professionals" as they prefer to be called)