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#202088 RE: fuagf #201479

New Zealand Leads Way on Same-Sex Marriage in Asia-Pacific

"Uruguay Congress approves gay marriage bill"

By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW - April 18, 2013, 1:02 am 3 Comments

Phil Walter/Getty Images

Celebrations begin in Auckland as the New Zealand parliament voted to legalize same-sex marriage.

3:33 p.m. | Updated

BEIJING — The words of the stately, popular New Zealand love song, Pokarekare Ana, swelled in New Zealand’s parliament on Wednesday evening as spectators and members of Parliament joined in an emotional scene. Here’s an English translation of some of the Maori song:

“The waves are breaking against the shores of Waiapu,
My heart is aching for your return, my love.
Oh my beloved, come back to me, my heart is breaking for love of you.”

Tears flowed, too. Minutes earlier, parliament had voted 77 to 44 to legalize same-sex marriage, making New Zealand the first Asian-Pacific nation and the 13th country in the world to do so.!

There was frustration among some in neighboring Australia, where the prime minister, Julia Gillard, has refused to legalize it. Commentators predicted gay Australians may fly to New Zealand to marry. Steve Dow, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, said her stance was “nonsensical .. .”

“In that traditional Maori song, they got it dead right: ‘I have written you a letter, and enclosed it with my ring / If your people should see it, then the trouble will begin.’ What, exactly, has Canberra got against happiness?” Mr. Dow wrote, referring to another verse of the traditional song.

This tweet portrayed the Australian government’s stance as behind the curve:

Lili KatyCat ??? @lilithia

By the time Australia passes gay marriage, New Zealand
would have already discovered teleportation. #auspol
1:47 PM - 18 Apr 2013

But there’s action on the issue elsewhere in Asia. In Vietnam, the Thanh Nien News reported last week that the Vietnamese government had decided to scrap fines against same-sex couples who marry .. .

“The move comes as part of a larger wave of progress for gay rights champions” in Vietnam, the flagship publication of the Vietnam National Youth Federation reported.

Actual legalization of same sex marriage may take quite a bit longer; the scrapping came in response to a storm of criticism from gay rights and other groups after the government proposed increasing fines on gay couples who marry to between 200,000 dong and one million dong (about $10 to $48), the newspaper said.

Deputy minister of Justice Pham Quy Ty said it was no longer appropriate to fine homosexuals. But, the absence of the fine ”doesn’t mean Vietnam recognizes same-sex marriages,” Ty was quoted by the Tuoi Tre newspaper as saying.

The Vietnamese government has been discussing legalizing same sex marriage since July last year but a vote on the issue in the National Assembly will be delayed until next year .. , Gay Star News reported in February.

Le Quang Binh, director of the Institute for Studies of Society, Economy and Environment, said that may be a good thing.

“I think it’s not a bad thing to delay for one year,” Mr. Le told the newspaper. “We actually think it may be good because then we have more time to work with the national assembly and educate the population.”

In February, Thailand held its first public hearing .. .. on introducing civil unions for same-sex couples, Gay Star News reported.

On Wednesday in the New Zealand parliament, to much laughter, Maurice Williamson, a member of the ruling center-right National party, gave a rip-roaring and impassioned .. .. speech in defense of the legalization of same-sex marriage that is going viral. Mr. Williamson acknowledged that some people, including those he described as “moderates”, had concerns about the social impact of the change. But in his final advice, taken from the Bible, he said: “Be ye not afraid.”

Here’s the speech on YouTube:

.. if you believe in equal rights for every individual .. forget about pseudo-intellectual debate on what a
natural right is, or isn't .. equal rights means each should have the right to marry the person of their choice ..

Aside: Boston suspects .. suspect 1: is dead .. suspect 2: with the white hat on backwards is still
at large .. search focus Watertown .. some detail on the two has been gathered, but not released yet ..