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04/09/13 3:48 PM

#78638 RE: Dale C #78637

uh .. .. did you forget the word selfishness? I mean SHEEESH.. you're posting on the Jesus board all the time .. how the hell do you make all that fit? .. oh that's right .. the jesus board is a board where every now and then a real christian comes to post .. and everyone gets to tear him apart .. excuse me.


04/09/13 3:52 PM

#78639 RE: Dale C #78637

just a reminder here ... Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead .. .are FICTION books . .

MOST kids threw them in a box after high school or college and let parents take em down to the second hand store.


04/09/13 3:53 PM

#78640 RE: Dale C #78637

Her views on individualism, self reliance and the pitfalls of collectivism are quite sound.

just another hypocrite, who died while sucking on the government nipple.

self-reliance? ROFL... that was only a joke from when she might have been able to help others, which she didn't, but as soon as she needed help, she was right there in line. Which is the modern libertarian way.


04/09/13 6:21 PM

#78653 RE: Dale C #78637

DD covered the essence of Ayn Rand .. i didn't finish Atlas Shrugged, 'cept for a skim, and haven't taken much interest since, so couldn't debate her in any detail at all, but this guy has an opinion which rings bells ..


I used to think Ayn Rand was the bomb but I outgrew it. You know, when I turned 12.


First of all, let us never overlook the fact that Rand's novels are atrocious as literature. Boring, repetitive, unconscionably long-winded, and written at approximately a 10th Grade level. Her wooden characters, the dialogue that makes you feel like you're being lectured by your uncle, and the idiotic plot all read as if written by a 17 year-old shut-in who spends a lot of time touching himself under a life-sized poster of Hayek. Atlas Shrugged is to literature what Battlefield: Earth is to film – it's five times too long and leaves readers wondering if Rand ever met another human being let alone successfully interacted with one.

Second, whatever respect we could have for Rand in light of her awful writing skills is obliterated by her unbelievably sophomoric "philosophy." It's exactly the kind of anti-intellectual, preachy, self-aggrandizing shit that plays well with immature people who think the world revolves around them – in other words, college kids. Yet Objectivists themselves have contempt for academia, which refuses to dignify their little cult with serious study. But who could be expected to take this sort of thing seriously?
"Just this weekend," said Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) on Wednesday in an interview with TWI, "I had a guy come up to me in my district and tell me that he was losing his interest in the business he'd run for years because the president wanted to punish him for his success."
John, your constituent is a friggin' idiot. He is exactly the kind of ex-fratboy MBA who thinks of himself as a linchpin of society, an "Atlas" upon whom the nation rests, but in reality could be replaced by any literate college grad or, in many cases, an unusually motivated ape.

haven't read past there


04/11/13 2:50 PM

#78716 RE: Dale C #78637


She simply doesn't understand Humanity in all of it's attributes.
The ability to have strength and offer one's energy to advance humanity.

There is a quote:
"Only the strong will survive."

Humanity is much more than that.
Even the publication of Ayn Rand's fiction is the product of people who sacrificed their security to allow free speech.

We are all independent.
We are all dependent on those around us.
It's the dichotomy of human interaction:

I have value as others offer me value....
As I contribute to others,
I become important to them.
And, in turn, they attribute value to me.