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11/28/05 11:44 PM

#140311 RE: jimmie #140308

BS! that is a bogus BS lies and lies.. and more lies when are u going to wake up. look at the radical White house or will you???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DO it you and your kids lives depend on it. Just open your eyes. The Press in this country has been paid off. WAKE UP there is no free press but the independent press and that is the people we give donations for DVD's bimper stickers to keep them online to do their investigations. Wake up.. get in some yahoo news groups there are plenty to learn the truth use google read the foreign press. connect the dots.
and from those you go to others get busy.
Where were you the 24 of September I was in DC with over 600K people and the gov shut the NE trains down to get in. get involved know what you are talking about. use your head not the governments lies! we are occupied by an evil force please for the love of God and humanity wake up!

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11/29/05 8:43 AM

#140348 RE: jimmie #140308

Jimmie, I am convinced many posters are paid to be here and present negatove views.... Just look at their posting habits. They spend either all or 99% of their time posting abut politics on an Investment messgae board community... Go figure? Why would someone pay to do that?
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11/29/05 10:36 PM

#140543 RE: jimmie #140308


Understanding terrorism

By PAJ Waddington

Terrorism is difficult for many of us to comprehend. Something so horrifying must exist in a universe of its own and explaining it requires us to grasp its sinister peculiarities.

Among the spectrum of movements they study are many that resort to violence to some degree. A few even go so far as to engage in terrorism. What is striking are the continuities across this broad range. Here I want to focus on just one of them - ideology.

There is no shortage of ideologues out there, but fortunately the vast majority fail to convince anyone other than themselves. Even the most successful only succeed in persuading a small cadre of hardcore devotees, but they are among the most dangerous because the commitment of this militant core to a single issue justifies violence in their mind.

Denying responsibility

Techniques of neutralisation were employed repeatedly in the aftermath of the London bombings. First, there was 'denial of responsibility': delinquents, or militants are the victims of deprivation, broken homes, and the usual catalogue of 'pity me' excuses including 'alienated Muslim youth' who are adrift in a society that rejects them.

Second, this can take on the flavour of 'denial of injury': apologists for terrorism claim that the loss of a few lives in London pales into insignificance compared to the thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Third, it is but a short step from this to 'denial of the victim'- 'they had it coming'. This was the message contained in the video showing Mohammed Sidique Kahn attempting to justify the 7 July bombings - he told us that we citizens of 'democratic countries' are responsible for the 'atrocities' perpetrated against 'his' people.

this is not clear to a whole bunch of people