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04/08/13 10:53 AM

#194994 RE: Serenity #194991

Agreed Serenity...what was "ethical" about all the grandiose blogs of the 1st 6 months of 2011 when the CEO purposely built in larger than life expectations of being close to landing no less than 3 usa big box accounts!

He used that self created carrot dangling blog bs to pump his most faithful longs for 6 full months b4 finally coming clean with all of them to say all 3 supposed accounts had all said "no...not at this time"!!!

Ethical is announcing deals via legitimate Press Releases only...not spending 6 full months pumping out bs expectations about how WNBD was supposedly on the edge of potential greatness with no less than 3 usa big box stores lmao!!!

And sadly that's just 1 little example of how the blogs, emails and memos were always chock full of carrot dangling expectations which time has proven never lived up to any of the purposely built in expectations while dilution cranked up to epic proportions!!!

What happened to all those millions of dollars raised by issuing a whopping 5 BILLION discount shares???????? The CEO disclosed approx $500K in salary but where did the rest of the money go?????????????????????????