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04/08/13 12:29 AM

#32007 RE: benzdealeror2 #32005

Going along with that idea of fearlessness is, not taking a hard, firm position based on established personal principles destroys testosterone as well. The mind and body connection is undeniable.

Men are completely driven to ruin by this wishy-washiness of attitude and outlook with low sperm counts and the same crazy, bitchy irritability women get with low, or abnormal hormonal levels, or the lack of getting a good, hard and regular pounding that brings them to orgasm. Men and women who don't get sufficient and adequate sex are frustrated and shallow and lacking dimension. Personally, I think it also accounts for good prostate health.

Humans are being physically neutered by their food, environments and lifestyles while at the same time, being driven to the most base of sexual depravities in their minds. This is a horrible disconnect of mind and body.

All of this lowers the vibration quality of the human spirit and introduces strange, impulsive thoughts. I do with certainty believe this is a desired goal of those attempting to socially engineer society.

Recently, it was learned Gorillas do have an established language. During an interview between a reporter and a Gorilla in the L.A. Zoo, the man was asked by the Gorilla how many wives he had. When he answered "Just one." the Gorilla beat his chest on a display of masculine superiority and turned his back on the man and walked away, dismissing the interviewer as "too unimportant".

I'm not suggesting one is more "macho" cuz he has more than one woman in his life. We aren't Gorillas, even if some men can't make the distinction. My point is, weak, incorrect or mamby pamby ideas are rejected even in the animal world.

This is why I believe nearly ALL men relate to the movie Fight Club at some visceral level. It wakes up something sleeping inside of them. Something we may never have encountered as something more than a strong emotion, unattached to a distinct thought. Why? I suspect we have been disconnected from ourselves and taught to compartmentalized our bodies, thoughts and emotions. United, we MAKE a stand and divided we DO fall. Even within ourselves.

Some men may reject it message of Fight Club emotionally as "barbarism", but the undercurrent message of archetype is still just as potent.

To be a man, one MUST take a stand that is fearless when necessary The men who defended their women with their lives in the Colorado theater shootings are still thought of as heros today as the men who defended their women from Sabertooth tigers were 10,000 years ago.

To die is NOT to lose when TRULY fighting for a principle.