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Essence Of Wealth

04/07/13 11:29 PM

#47 RE: arizona1 #46

If this is from the Chemicals in Chemtrails and it's on his car, it's also floating down on all of us and we are breathing it in.
But, doesn't this also mean, the same people funding it, flying the jets and all the people involved, are also breathing this Chemical into their lungs and getting it in their eyes.
I've even read that some of these Chemical particles are so small, they can get on our skin and become absorbed into our pores.

I'm as equally angry that none of the people I see (in person), on a daily basis, say anything and when I do, they are oblivious to what I'm saying.
How can it be that, so very many people are so oblivious to something that's going on and is so; right there in front of them all, and never say anything?
I've NEVER ONCE had ANYONE (in person or on the phone) mention Chemtrails to me.
Maybe these people that are oblivious to what's really going on are the real life Zombies. Chemtrail Zombies

The Crazies - Chemtrail Zombies and FEMA Camps (Hollywood exploits the chemtrail agenda) Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

Bear in mind, I just thought that part-up of 'Chemtrail Zombies" and thought; what the heck, I might as well search it to see what I get and just like that, I found this You Tube Video on the very first try, on the first page.

I know, I know, this is just a video of a guy looking for reason about what is going on with Chemtrails, Hollywood and the Government/Government Control but, perhaps we should consider this information . . . relevant . . . important.
The parts in the movie most interesting to me weren't so much the jet crashing and the Crazies, as was the fact that the makers of the Movie wanted us to see the jets spraying Chemtrails of a Biological Weapon designed to Destabilize a Population.

Are the movie makers using this as a conditioning for us to be used to seeing Chemtrails, are they attempting to wake-us-up or are they simply capitalizing on the facts of Chemtrails, to make a buck?
Hard to tell but, the bottom lines is (IMO) people better wake the hell up if they actually care about their health and their life and their liberty and their freedom.

Again, just thinking out loud.