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04/05/13 5:18 PM

#4504 RE: NSchai1 Beethoven #4503

My only real thoughts on that comparison is that it even more clearly makes my point RE: the potential for a run-up here at CVM.

NOTE: I stated *potential for*

No guarantees our company will complete a successful Phase III trial as yet,.... although no significant bad news so far is a good thing.

Insiders buying is generally a good thing.

Flu outbreaks lighting a fire underneath the potential for the LEAPS technology is likely a good thing for long-term potential in a post-Multikine approval way (if ephemeral at the moment).

My guess is my own as to what the actual numbers might be if things go well. That $700 MM revenue number sounds good - but IMO is probably on the optimistic end for a year 1 result.

But even IF that number is off by an order of 10 for year 1 - that's still a revenue source approaching $70 MM / year, and a source that is likely to increase incrementally as the treatment gets more exposure.

Say revenue is $100 MM / year from Multikine (to pick a round number). With current share structure that is in the ballpark of ~$0.30/share revenue. If we assume a P/E of 10/1, then shareprice should be in the ballpark of $3/share at that point. P/E ratios in many profitable (but growing) companies can be quite a bit higher than that.

Assume higher profits,.... or with a company that has a demonstrated track record (by that future time anyway) of delivering a medically relevant product that can then focus on the also potentially profitable LEAPS systems,.... how much might speculation drive prices higher than that? Could be quite a bit higher.

So the answer is,... I expect shares to be worth in the multiples of dollars range by the time Multikine is approved.

However - the main risk is obvious,.... if Multikine doesn't deliver, then we are back to square 1.
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NSchai1 Beethoven

04/06/13 12:12 PM

#4505 RE: NSchai1 Beethoven #4503

Oh, the other DNDN mistake, as to why not to compare to CVM, DNDN's facilities were not ready for mass production! CVM has learned from there mistake and are ready to roll, if they get approval!